Gastrick One of the Dirty Dozen! Joined May 11, 2007 Messages 11,655 Location Pompano Beach, Fl Dec 25, 2009 #41 That's cool MikeR.
MikeR Well-known member Joined Dec 9, 2009 Messages 463 Location Denver, Colorado Jan 2, 2010 #42 Here are a couple more from Greybeards - Rocky Mountain Rod & Custom Show: Looking forward to some more car shows, but there won't be any out in my neck of the woods until spring
Here are a couple more from Greybeards - Rocky Mountain Rod & Custom Show: Looking forward to some more car shows, but there won't be any out in my neck of the woods until spring
Bonehead Skull Master Joined May 11, 2007 Messages 12,326 Location Fruita, Colorado Jan 2, 2010 #43 Really like those last two.
MikeR Well-known member Joined Dec 9, 2009 Messages 463 Location Denver, Colorado Jan 2, 2010 #44 Thanks Bonehead, I appreciate the comment! Hope to meet you some time if we cross paths at a car show.
Thanks Bonehead, I appreciate the comment! Hope to meet you some time if we cross paths at a car show.