I just read this and also concur you should get to a GOOD chiropractor;
When someone suffers a head or neck trauma a misalignment will occur in the upper neck area. This misalignment of the upper neck bones will lead to irritation and pressure building up in the blood vessels that feed and drain the brain.
The longer the misalignment is there the more damage is done to the brain. Cerebral spinal fluid flow will be affected, intracranial pressure will build up leading to ongoing brain damage.
Once this misalignment is corrected and proper blood, cerebral spinal fluid and nerve flow is restored the brain begins to heal very quickly.
If you have a history of concussion or head or neck trauma and are having lingering symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, sleep problems, memory issues or problems with concentration, now is the time to take action. Find out if you can be helped naturally with NUCCA. ( National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association)