prayers please

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2009
Coming up on the 23rd which is one year since we tragically lost our 16 year old boy in an accident. Lot of emotions here and its gonna be a rough few days coming up.
Thanks for any prayers. RR

hang in there buddy, it is rough, but think of the good times,

if ya need to vent at someone who knows how it feels, get a hold of me.

Later :cool:
I have not lost an adult child as you have, but last month marked 6 years since my daughter's boyfriend passed away after an accident. Both she and us continue to be close to his family, and she is now married to a great young man who understands that she will always feel a certain kind of pain at certain times in the year, and he is not threatened by this, possibly because of painful experiences in his own life. For myself, I suppose I've always been a somewhat emotional person, but this experience has made me much more aware of the pain others are experiencing. I do pray for you, that the Holy Spirit of God will comfort you. Look to Jesus, He will carry you through these rough times. Don't ever feel that you need to 'get over it' - your son is too important to allow that to happen, both to you and to God. Find friends who care enough to not be ill at ease to sit with you through these times of pain.
Can't even imagine your feelings and thoughts.
All I've got to offer is "keep the faith and lean on God".
I pray your family finds peace during your time of need.

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