And why 1960? What about we go back and say it has to be pre war?
We will need our own table
And another thing- will there be paparazzi expected?![]()
ooooh ooooh me, pick me, pick what sort of punitive measures should be taken against those that improperly classify their cars![]()
We will reserve one seat for you and your brother to share, which b.t.w. reminds me, how is your brother healing? I hope he has learned his lesson on not frolicking around in a lightning storm while wearing his tin foil hat. Did his ears ever stop smoking?
After giving this very matter much intellectual consideration and allowing for the whimsy evident in the aforesaid Pookie's posts. I submit that there is only one POOK!!!![]()
We will need our own table if you are inquiring for space reservations for the next meeting...... Set placemat as "Reserved for The Pookies"We will be punctual with our arrival time. Has the Agenda List been published and distributed?
And another thing- will there be paparazzi expected?![]()
PRE-WAR sound good to me!!! I just pulled that 1960 date out of thin air!]
OK so here is where the classification of RAT ROD stands so far....
VEHICLE: PRE-WAR Vehicles only (That's WORLD WAR 2 for you youngsters)
ENGINE: Naturaly Asperated or Mechanical Fuel injection-No TBI or TPI induction. Blowers, turbo's, nitrous, deisel (pookie approved), tunnel rams, Hilborn are all accepted.
TRANSMISSION: All types accepted
FRAME: Stock, Modified stock, hand built are all accepted.
SUSPENSION: All types allowed as long as it is SAFE and LEGAL in your state of registration.
BODY MODIFICATONS: Chops, Sections, Channels are all accepted. Changing one body style into another is also accepted as long as it somewhat represents a PRE-WAR era vehicle. SAFETY GLASS WINDSHIELD is highly encouraged and may be required by your registering state.
BODY FINISH: Natural Patina, primer, low luster paint accepted...high end gloss is not unless only used as an accent color.
INTERIOR: Basic with only minimal creature comforts. No digital gauges, flat screen tv's, 30" woofers...ect
WHEELS/TIRES: Whatever looks right on your car.
Feel free to modify the list!!! Then we can submit it to the rat rod police!
Oh the irony! Eliteists in shabby homemade cars!![]()
now what sort of punitive measures should be taken against those that improperly classify their cars![]()
I propose being shut in a room for a minimum of 2 hours listening to Barry Manilow.
Oh the irony! Eliteists in shabby homemade cars!
I'm with ya on that one earthman! The next thing ya know we'll have an official sanctioning organization for rat rods!![]()
I can see it now. The National Rat Rodders Association!
This reminds me of this punk kid with a 31 Ford rat truck I met at a car show a few months back. He said his truck was a "certified" rat rod! He even had a dash plaque to prove it!!! LMAO!!!!