RPU, bodywork underway.

Rat Rods Rule

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Don, in the first post on this thread you said that you weren't going for a show car finish. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but..................you are going to have one.:D:D[cl[cl.
Haha, I am not exactly CAPABLE of a show car finish, which is why I do all of mine in satin ! :eek: However, I am getting better at block sanding, and my right arm is a lot bigger than my left one these days.

I got the passenger side door primed with high build, let it cure a couple of days, and then block sanded it again. I THOUGHT I had it pretty straight before the priming, but, as you can see in the pictures, there were a lot of high and low spots that I was able to flatten out pretty well.

Next step is to sand a little more, then shoot a couple more coats of primer on. My Harbor Freight guns that I have been using for primer do not have a big enough orifice to shoot the high build through, and I have been getting a lot of dryness in the primer coats. So, I had a gift certificate from my ex wife at Christmas for Summit Racing, and I ordered a gun that has a 2.3 opening instead of the 1.8 I have been using. Hopefully, I will get a wetter, more even coat of primer with this gun.


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Ok, I am down to that tough decision I always face, what color do I paint this car. My original plan was to paint it hot rod red first, then paint it satin black, and then scuff through in spots to expose some of the red, and then shoot satin clear over the whole car. I wanted that aged look to this car.

But then I started thinking about just tinting the red I have with a little black, and creating a burgundy shade of red and leaving it at that. So, today I opened up the gallon of hot rod red I got from Summit and stirred it up. But it is not looking like the red I envisioned. It is a little "muddy red" looking IMO.

So, I think I am back to my original plan to use the red as an undercoat and then shoot black on top of it, then do the scuffing. But I think the best plan will be to shoot the red, sit back and look at it, and then decide if I need to cover it up with the black.

Color is always the toughest thing for me to decide on.:eek::eek::eek:
Good idea. :D
I bet the red will change when its dry. Don't they usually? (NOTE: I only paint stuff shades of black.) [ddd
Thanks, guys. The red might look different when dried, but I looked at the dried stirring stick I used, and it was pretty dull and muddy. Looks more like red primer than red paint. But I will know more when I shoot the body with it.

I have been having trouble sleeping since I have not been working due to the Coronavirus thing, I am way off schedule, so last night about 11 pm I went to the shop and started filling low spots with the Evercoat glaze I bought. Man, do I like this stuff. It applies like butter, really smooth, and it sands just as easily.

Today I am going to go around the whole body and fill any left over low spots and pin holes, and if all this rain we have been having stops, I plan to shoot a couple more coats of high build this week. Once that cures I will scuff it, and finally get to putting on some real paint. :D

Here is the glaze I used, I really like it a lot.


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Watching and waiting with high anxiety! [P


Yep me too

Well, you guys COULD come over and help sand, ya know ! :D:D

Today I got within striking distance of shooting more primer. I went over the body and used the glaze to fill any low spots and pin holes, the only thing left is a spot on the firewall where Dan ground an imperfection out of it the other night, and now it needs a little filler to finish it off.

It was a shame that I was not ready today to shoot primer, it did not rain the entire day for a change. I'll finish up the firewall tomorrow, and if the weather holds out I will shove the body outside and start priming.

I certainly am no body man, but I have left enough sanding dust on the ground that it should be fairly straight. Not perfect, but ok. And, in a few months, I should have my fingerprints back on the tips of my fingers ! :D
Don, you and the boys have established a very high standard on past builds. You have no choice but to maintain the family standard. This one should attract the bikini babes just like the gold one.[dr
I certainly am no body man, but I have left enough sanding dust on the ground that it should be fairly straight. Not perfect, but ok. And, in a few months, I should have my fingerprints back on the tips of my fingers ! :D

One of the reasons I went with a satin rattle can bottom on my car... really hides a lot of stuff & my lame body work skills! [ddd

Don, you and the boys have established a very high standard on past builds. You have no choice but to maintain the family standard. This one should attract the bikini babes just like the gold one.[dr

Lotta good the last bikini babe did me, she ran right back to her BF as soon as I snapped the pictures ! :eek::D

One of the reasons I went with a satin rattle can bottom on my car... really hides a lot of stuff & my lame body work skills! [ddd


Believe me, Bob, I understand. If I didn't have Dan driving me to keep sanding, I would have quit long ago. Since he has put so much time into this car, I promised it to him when I die, so I think the has a method to his madness in wanting to see it finished a little better. :eek:

The weather held out again today, so I spent a little time smoothing the little bad spots on the firewall, and then I was able to shoot two more heavy coats of high build primer on the whole thing. I will let those cure for a couple of days and then scuff it to see if I am ready for final paint. I do see a couple of pin holes that I will fill, but otherwise it looks pretty straight.

There is a hot shower and a cold Corona in my immediate future ! :D:D

choosing colors and bodywork, both give me cold sweats.


Yep, I never know the final choice until I lay down my money at the paint store.


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Looks great Don.[cl :D :cool:
I know I'm strange but this part of the build was always my favorite.:eek:
[P [P [P

Thanks, Torchie. Yep, I know some people love doing body work, and I can sort of see how it is rewarding to see something go from rough to nice. I am certainly not good at it, but I am a lot better at it than I was a few months ago.
My favorite part is spraying color on. I love to watch a dull hulk come to life with color.

My lack of patience hinders my sanding. I want to get to the painting stage, and often give up sanding too quick. Once it looks and feels smooth, I’m ready to paint!
That really looks awesome! Definitely better that factory work & I can't wait to see it painted!!! [dr


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