Rut Row... I may be in serious trouble!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Well... a relative called tonight sayin' he has a lead on that cheap late 30's coupe I've been lookin' for! It's supposedly in decent shape and not all that far from here! Definitely have me pinky's & digits crossed!!! Supposed to find out the scoop tomorrow! Just what I've been needin'... another project!!! :eek::eek::eek:

It's your duty as owner of RRR and publisher of a mag to lead us along the path of, Savin' old tin everyday!

The only one you could possibly get in trouble with is the DA (Domestic Assistant) or LW (Little Woman). No need to worry about that, we've got your back....waaay back.
Ol Tripper has been doing a lot of this lately, keeping us in suspense. First the magazine thing, and now this car. He keeps this up and the old squisher, flattener thingie might have to come out of storage. :eek:

Oh wait, he OWNS the squisher, flattener thingie. Nevermind. :eek:

Ol Tripper has been doing a lot of this lately, keeping us in suspense. First the magazine thing, and now this car. He keeps this up and the old squisher, flattener thingie might have to come out of storage. :eek:

Oh wait, he OWNS the squisher, flattener thingie. Nevermind. :eek:

Well... he's keepin' me in suspense too! Haven't heard a word so looks like a call tonight is in order! I sure wanna get my hands on it. Hope it's a 5-window but I'll take what I can get!

Yep... might have to vaporize my own self! :eek:

Ok... I got the fone # of the guy with the coupe & I'm going to see it tomorrow... I hope it follows me home!!! I have a rebuilt 390/C4 just a lookin' fer a home! [dr

All I can say....... Man......some guys are blessed with the gift of finding stuff.....Man!!! :(

wish I had that gift. And the gift of my buddies dad. He always seems to trade junk for gold. Just the other day he traded a beat up chevy 4x4 truck, no bed just a cab and front clip and running for a 92 vette....... This spring he traded a half dead 250cc dirt bike for an older 1100cc Suzuki bike. some guys get all the luck.

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