More progress...
Stainless grille, made from flat bar welded around the edge to form a right angle flange so the grille bars - welded to the backside - are recessed.
Made aluminum valve covers. Used 3/8" plate for the base flange, 1/4" plate for the sides and ends and 1/2" plate for the top. Before welding the top pieces on, I ran them through the table saw with a carbide tipped blade to cut the grooves to give them a finned look.
Built the removable roof, framework of 1" angle iron and 1" square tube, skinned with 20ga. Wanting a look similar to a rag top, I ran it forward of the windshield frame to give it a bit of a visor effect, this also hides the wiper blade a bit. I later changed the rear window shape too a more curved top edge similar to the last photoshopped pic.