Thanks everybody! It's back outside for right now while I wait to get the parts I need. Doing some work on my Dad's '52 Caddy trying to get it on the road.
Nice project. It looks like its gonna turn out very good. I have been wanting one of those for a very long time. I hope you enjoy every minute of it. Nice build.
Went to the junkyard and got a radiator for it. Capped the inlet and outlets off with a piece of inner tube and a hose clamp, filled it up with water and put a little air pressure in it. Didn't see any leaks so I put it in and got everything hooked back up. Fixed the leaky temp. sender as well.
And I finally got a decent outside picture of it...I think it's looking pretty good...
After getting that stuff done I tweaked the timing a little bit and fixed a leaky fuel line so I could run it up to temp. and burp the air out of the here's the much awaited run video of that ever so rare Boss 283ci
I overfilled the rad. a little bit so don't mind the water works
I got my new pinion seal in, driveshaft in, and rear brakes figured out [S and put together. Another solid day or so of work and it should be ready for a test run [cl
To my neighbors: I did NOT just make the maiden voyage in the '48, I did NOT blast up and down the street with open manifolds and no exhaust.
To the rest of ya: The '48 is ALLLLLIVE! [ddd The hydraulic clutch setup seems to work great, as do the power brakes and steering. The trans. shifted great and nothing fell off or blew up. Still got a list of things to do but it went down the road under it's own power so I'm happy with it [cl