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Rat Rods Rule

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Busted and Rusted on Route 66
Dec 21, 2007
Edgewood, New Mexico off Route 66
I was just wondering if any of you keeps a notebook on your builds? [;) I do probably kind of anal. It's can be a wealth of references for later builds. I use it for notes, to do lists, need to buy lists, sketch how things are assembled, brackets and mounts, calculations, write down what works and what doesn't, where to get parts. Lots of other stuff too.
I hang a clip board with a pad of paper on the wall. Use it all the time for the stuff you listed, but eventually I always throw the used up pad away. Never even occured to me to file 'em away.
I'm a mess. I don't keep detailed notes and records and sort of fly by the seat of my pants on these things. What I do keep though are patterns of brackets that I make and receipts and part numbers for parts that went into a project in case I need to replace a part or need to use that same part again for something else.
I tend to keep a tablet near by so I can make notes of what I need to buy or make. I try to take lots of pictures before I disassemble so I have references for when I get around to reassembling.....but I also tend to get totally involved and forget to take pics until it's to late and I have everything ripped apart...then I get to fly by the seat of my pants for reassembly (cause God knows my brain won't remember how it was).

The one thing I am anal about is keeping all receipts. I usually start a folder and stuff everything in there. Eventually I start sorting through the receipts and totaling them up...that's when I realize why I don't want to sit in a bar room a couple nights a week....I can't afford both and the cars are a lot more fun

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