I have so many thoughts on this subject I don't know if I can condense them enough to fit in here and make sense. Over the years I have worked for some very smart people and watched how they did business and tried to learn some lessons from them. Here are a few of the things I think are very important to any business, big or small:
1) If you are the owner or manager, you should be the first guy in the door in the morning (before starting time) and you should leave after every one else at the end of the day. You are setting an example for your people and it is impossible for you to tell them to get to work on time if you are late yourself.
2) The assets of the company are not yours to play around with, even if you own it. Again, how can you tell employees to not take things when they see you doing it? Yes, you may be the owner, but the company assets belong to the company to make a profit, period. If they see you paying the same rate as everybody else, it helps to train them to do the same thing themselves.
3) Working hours are not for play or family stuff. You are at work to do just that. Sure, a few personal calls or stuff like that happens, but you can't let it get out of hand. Standing around gabbing also isn't making any money for the company, so it has to be limited.
4) Gossip and griping are a major cause of problems in a company. Again, being the boss you have to not only discourage it, but refrain from engaging in it yourself.
5) Employees are somewhat like children in the respect that they don't miss a thing. You have to protect the image of the company at all times, and make sure your actions are always above reproach.
6) Compliments go a long way toward making an employee feel important and productive. Instead of catching your employees doing something wrong, occasionally catch them doing something right, and let them know you noticed.
I know some of my comments seem pretty harsh, but business is especially tough today, and lots of companies are folding. We all have to take our jobs seriously or we may come in one day and find out we no longer have a job. It happened to me almost two years ago, and I just recently found a job. It is no fun out there today, things are really hard.