Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult!
Not a bad start for a project. But, to echo others. What else comes with what we see there, what else is available around your area & $$, title or bill of sale ???? Have seen more for less also.
It depends on where you are. Around here postwar trucks are everywhere. I got a 46 Ford cab, frame, front axle and front fenders for $60.It needed a drivers door but was a solid truck. Prewar trucks are a little more scarce but I saw a 37 Ford, drove into the ranch and he just gave it to me. I saw a really complete and straight 41 chev go for $275 on an auction last week. If you live in Florida or the rust belt then a grand might be a fair deal. Have you shopped or is this an impulse?
i live in upstate ny and i cant find a lot of car sthat r not too rusted out to use