Josh at AAW stepped up and supplied the info to allow me to wire the GM-style plug to the Signal Stat turn signal switch, allowing me to just plug it into the AAW harness. I wish I could have gotten this info two days ago, but am glad to finally have someone who knows what he's talking about willing to help out an old guy without an electrical engineering background.
This is what he emailed me...
"I've attached a sheet pertaining to Signal Stat that our company uses. Since you are using the Dash Indicators, the BLUE wire will remain UNUSED.
To break it down for you:
Sig-Stat GREEN goes to AAW Light Blue (Left Front)
Sig-Stat RED goes to AAW Dark Blue (Right Front)
Sig-Stat YELLOW goes to AAW Purple. (Flasher Feed)
Sig-Stat GREY goes to AAW Yellow. (Left Rear)
Sig-Stat BLACK goes to AAW Dark Green (Right Rear)
Sig-Stat Black w/ GREY TRACE goes to AAW White (Brake Feed)"
Upon asking whether the red/green wire is also unused, Josh said
" Yes, that is correct. That would be if you were running single filament bulbs in the front, and needed to supply power to them for your park lamps. Since the park lamp circuit is already installed in the new AAW harness, this wire will remain unused. "
It's refreshing to get customer support like this. Now I can wire this up without any more fumbling around in the dark.