
Rat Rods Rule

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Yeah, you Florida guys got it made. All we have to look at in the Midwest is junk like this.
we havnt had any freesh snow in a mnth or so but we have had -36 for the last week id take the warm weather and snow right now lol
I'll take our weather over yours.....

we havnt had any freesh snow in a mnth or so but we have had -36 for the last week id take the warm weather and snow right now lol

I'm not crazy about the cold...-36 is just a wee bit nippy for me...I'd be bundled up like an eskimo....all you'd see is my eyes....


  • joker-mask-1.jpg
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gotta love it when your truck tells you how cold it is out lol


  • brrrr.jpg
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Oh, I remember those freezing days all too well when I lived in Pa. One morning I went out to get in my Pontiac station wagon to go to work and the locks were frozen, so I got out the obligatory cigarette lighter you had to have to heat up the key, and got the door to open.

I drove the few miles to work and when I went to get out of the car the door had refrozen, so I tried the passenger side was frozen solid too. So I jumped over the seat and tried the back doors........also frozen solid. I got back in the front and tried all of the windows and even the electric one on the tailgate, none would move. I was locked in the car and couldn't get out ! :eek:

People going into work were walking by me in the parking lot and I was blowing the horn, and they would wave back, like I was just saying HI ! Finally someone walked up to the window and I told them I was stuck inside and couldn't get out. They had to get a pry bar and the door finally opened.

All day people kept walking by my office door and saying "Aren't you the guy who was frozen in your car??" :eek: They thought it was a hoot. I ain't never going back to Pennsylvania.

I'm not crazy about the humidity there...

I feel like I'm too far north here in Kentucky!! Already thinking about where we'll move to when we both retire!! Poss. around Tampa, or a little north of that!! :)

Had relatives in Tampa area and I've been to Miami and Orlando and just about all parts in between....too hot and humid in the summer for me...JMHO
Had relatives in Tampa area and I've been to Miami and Orlando and just about all parts in between....too hot and humid in the summer for me...JMHO

We've kicked around the idea of going back and forth!! We presently own a Condo in Panama City, so we know all about the heat and humidity!!

I'm just sick of cold weather, just getting old I guess!!
I'm kind of excited about the snow coming, time to bust out the four wheel peel. We are supposed to get hammered today, nothing close to what you got but still I am ready for a good snow.
Hope it all stays by you!!!

I'm kind of excited about the snow coming, time to bust out the four wheel peel. We are supposed to get hammered today, nothing close to what you got but still I am ready for a good snow.

They predict about 1" by 11pm then 2 to 4 more by least in the detroit metro area, which usually includes us..we sometimes get more, sometimes less....either way....Boo :(
We got snow ewwww!! its been snowing since early this am forcast says 6-8" of snow over night ya just as i said no snow in a mnth haha. The local ski hill here got a fair amount of snow over night ( they get 40+ feet of powder a yr)so knew it was coming oh the joys of living in the north lol
Been below 0 last 4 days and got close to 10 inches of snow, South Central Montanta. Pretty normal weather for January. Week ago it was almost 60 and I was working outside in a t shirt. Rode my ole Shovel around some too. Now that is stange for mid January here.

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