So.Cal Snow

Rat Rods Rule

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The Rat Captain
Dec 11, 2011
Bloomfield, N.M.
Don't think I'll take the rod out today. Not just a dusting, more like 2 inches. Not much for some of you but for us this is crazy [S

picture did not make it ? I'll try again.
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lets try this

well [S

chains won't fit :(
I've been in southern Arkansas when it snowed, you would think it was the end of the world.

I've also been in the dessert when it rained, the world ended then also.
People end up in the ditch on their roof because it rains. I just don't get it lol.
I've been in southern Arkansas when it snowed, you would think it was the end of the world.

I've also been in the dessert when it rained, the world ended then also.
People end up in the ditch on their roof because it rains. I just don't get it lol.

I always thought the same until I drove a rental car in Houston in the heavy rain. Their freeways are so waxy that it's unbelievably slippery, and most of the vehicles have poor tires anyways. Their roads also aren't designed for slippery conditions (barely banked curves, etc.) like they are in colder climates.
I don't care where you live....

People drive with their heads up their behinds when the weather goes bonkers...You would think that common sense and logic would dictate....but those two items are in short demand when some unusual weather hits....when I was stationed in Louisiana if you got 1/2" of snow the whole world, I drove all over...just drove with due care and caution...I don't get it either....[S :eek:
Soltz, is that off rancho california in temecula? I was pouring concrete last weekend in French valley. Didn't think it could get any colder. I'm close to the beach here and it was 40 this morning.
Soltz, is that off rancho california in temecula? I was pouring concrete last weekend in French valley. Didn't think it could get any colder. I'm close to the beach here and it was 40 this morning.

Between R.C. and Winchester Rd. off Margareta, Only 34* this morning. Glad to know there are some folks close by, if you need any let me know. [cl
I can sympathize with you guys. When your not used to it, it sure can throw things off. Living around the Great Lakes region we can get some ripping hot days in the summer and the humidity just about kills me. A couple of inches of snow isn't a biggy around here, blowing snow and white outs are a different story though.

I can sympathize with you guys. When your not used to it, it sure can throw things off. Living around the Great Lakes region we can get some ripping hot days in the summer and the humidity just about kills me. A couple of inches of snow isn't a biggy around here, blowing snow and white outs are a different story though.

Like when you're traveling on the 402 heading to the 401 to Toronto....been there and done that.....401 is NUTZ
I've been in southern Arkansas when it snowed, you would think it was the end of the world.

I've also been in the dessert when it rained, the world ended then also.
People end up in the ditch on their roof because it rains. I just don't get it lol.

Here in Phoenix the wind seldom even blows. So when a little breeze picks up and the barometer drops a little look out. They get excited and start driving like teenagers out in their Mom's car.
Wow Soltz, sounds like the south when we get 2"..............everything shuts down! :eek:

People here don't know how to drive on snow! Slow down is not in their vocabulary. And most seem to think 4WD will allow you drive anyway you want.
Like when you're traveling on the 402 heading to the 401 to Toronto....been there and done that.....401 is NUTZ

Yep....white outs are a way of life. It seems it's always in the same area's that have them too. It's a real busy truck corridor with drivers from all over North America going through. I monitor the CB and listen to what's happening. Had a driver with a heavy southern accent come on and ask "How do you guys drive in this s***? The answer he got was..."Just close your eyes, it don't seem near as bad then." Might be some truth in that considering you can't see anything anyway.:eek:
Everybody has some bad conditions considering where they are. Going to different areas they are not used to throws everything off! Down here, one thing that most people don't realize is the amount of oil dropped on any hard road because of all the traffic is that the oil doesn't go anywhere until the first 5 minutes of rain. Then, the oil floats. Our roads are really dangerous here during that first few minutes of rain and the idiots don't think about slowing down. Think black ice, Florida style...
Growing up in the Great Lakes region we learn young to handle driving in all weather. I have noticed over the last 15+ years with the advent of computerized suspension advances like sway control & anti lock brakes and the popularity of large SUVs people are getting worse here too.

I think there must be an assumption that tech controlled 65K SUVs enable one to drive like an idiot with immunity. In heavy rain or heavy snow more & more it's the SUVs & 4x4 Pick ups I see in the ditches on the tow trucks.

It's getting to be a joke that 4x4 means you'll be in the ditch 4X faster.

Tech is w wonderful but it does not replace Common sense & skills.
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Wow Soltz, sounds like the south when we get 2"..............everything shuts down! :eek:

People here don't know how to drive on snow! Slow down is not in their vocabulary. And most seem to think 4WD will allow you drive anyway you want.

I used to Hawg Hunt in East Tenn. after a few trips I figured out that y'all do not have those NASCAR numbers on your cars because you are fans of that driver. Y'all think you ARE in NASCAR every day. :D
I used to Hawg Hunt in East Tenn. after a few trips I figured out that y'all do not have those NASCAR numbers on your cars because you are fans of that driver. Y'all think you ARE in NASCAR every day. :D

You oughta try driving around Atlanta GA on I 285 some time.............
They don't call it the Watermelon 500 for nothing!!!!![cl:D[cl:D

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