So how do you pick your next project?

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2007
mechanicville ny (upstate ny)
So I got my current project 99% done so I am done with it was life long wish to build a oval track coupe and at 64 years old I finally got it done...

So now what???

I love a lot of old rusty cars....

I have had Willys Jeeps (just sold a 48 CJ2A this past fall) in the past...they are kinda cool...

Had a 1960 Morris Minor...they are kinda neat too...Whitworth fasteners were the not so much got sold

Had a 1940 Ford coupe vintage stock car (with history)...way cool that project was...someone wanted it more than me...

I had a almost stock 1953 Chevy 3800 9 foot pickup box truck...loved that truck...went to my first truck show with it and sold it in 45 minutes...

I had a 1948 Willys CJ2A cobb salad from New Mexico...too many former owners cobbling things up so it got sold...

Before that had I had a 1972 Datsun truck....(I had one as a kid back the 1980s)...that was fun too...could never get it to run...wish I never sold it now

I also tried to build another 1948 Willys (short fat) flat fender from a pile of parts and some 2x4 steel tubing (newer wider axles too)...I got it rolling and got bored with it...parted it out

before that I had a couple of VW bugs too...always wanted to do a Volksrod but these were too original to cut up...

Before that I had a 1962 Willys truck cab on a S10 chassis...that was fun project...sold it before it was done though still not sure why...

I also had a 1953 Chevy truck bobber style back when they were all the rage....sold it before I drove it...never could get the stance I wanted on it...

Had 1954 GMC truck cab on a S10 chassis...that was a fun build too...I got bored with it...

Before that I got my first was 1960 truck all stock...loved it but it needed a motor rebuild I was still racing so it got sold....

I had a pile of VW parts I was gonna build into a Volksrod but I was racing still so that took precedence so it got sold...

Bought a 1950 Dodge Pilothouse parts truck that I was gonna do a frame swap on but I was starting to race again so it got sold...(it was really really rough)

So I am kinda not sure what I want to build next....I like rusty metal...I like old rusty metal too....Facebook market place is a crazy place to shop for stuff...

I left my full time job in January of 2023 but I still work 3 days a week at the local Home I have time and I have some funds to build something else....with out metal to bang on at my garage I will go crazy...I dont enjoy sitting in my house and I dont enjoy working on my house either....I am garage guy thru and thru...

I have done my bucket list build with my current garage filler...I am kinda in limbo right now...

Any thoughts fellow rusty people...????

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Don't know if this is allowed, and I can't help you with a project, but over on the "ham" board, there is a current thread going about "Craig's list cheap cars" It covers a lot more then Craig's list, so there are some really interesting things showing up on that thread. A lot of it isn't cheap by my book, but some sure look like bargains and most important, the stuff people are showing is currently on the market.

Maybe something there will trip your trigger, and might be just what you are looking for.
Historically, when I'm about 3/4 finished with a project something happens in my brain. I see another project, it might be on Craigslist or Marketplace or at a swap meet. I'm not looking for anything, but I see it and think, "I can make something cool out of it." It has to be cheap, and the more beat up the better. I justify buying it because it is so cheap. And there I go again.
The current one is different. It is the last. Time has taken its toll. I've found the perfect project on Marketplace but I'm not biting. Too sore, too weak, too tired. It's a sad thing.
I'm fighting the same feelings Bob! But I'm making my projects my reason to keep going. I've already told my family and close friends to tread lightly when trying to tell me to slow down. I'm likely to be found face down in whatever project I was on when the last tick of the clock happens. But that's a way I'd rather be...
I decide whether I want a truck or car and start the search. Whichever vehicle hits my like button is the one.
I'm fighting the same feelings Bob! But I'm making my projects my reason to keep going. I've already told my family and close friends to tread lightly when trying to tell me to slow down. I'm likely to be found face down in whatever project I was on when the last tick of the clock happens. But that's a way I'd rather be...
Hey Smallfoot

I am so like that goal is to go out with my boots on....hopefully in my garage or under a rusted out vehicle of some sort...

I get bored pretty quick with projects of any kind and they tend to stretch out too long. I also have found over the years I like building stuff more than actually using it. A while back I built a drift trike. I was out there building away having a grand old time. After I got it welded and it was using it I was getting ready to strip it down to paint. I decided instead to take it apart and maybe in the future build something else with the motor and parts. Jim
Historically, when I'm about 3/4 finished with a project something happens in my brain. I see another project, it might be on Craigslist or Marketplace or at a swap meet. I'm not looking for anything, but I see it and think, "I can make something cool out of it." It has to be cheap, and the more beat up the better. I justify buying it because it is so cheap. And there I go again.
The current one is different. It is the last. Time has taken its toll. I've found the perfect project on Marketplace but I'm not biting. Too sore, too weak, too tired. It's a sad thing.
Maybe slow down a bit but don't quit, you are too good at it, and it is your passion.
Don't know if this is allowed, and I can't help you with a project, but over on the "ham" board, there is a current thread going about "Craig's list cheap cars" It covers a lot more then Craig's list, so there are some really interesting things showing up on that thread. A lot of it isn't cheap by my book, but some sure look like bargains and most important, the stuff people are showing is currently on the market.

Maybe something there will trip your trigger, and might be just what you are looking for.
I was working a bunch, and I know about the no money or no time dilemma, so I bought a ton of project cars for when I had time. Some of them I still have interest in, and some I do not. I knew that would happen, so over the years I have traded off the ones I would never build, for ones I like better. The last build I did was for somebody else, and I got pretty burned out on it. Now everyone keeps asking me what I am going to build next. I am sure I will drag something into the shop soon, but I am taking my time on that move.
The last 3 I built were going to be my last project. That last one might really have been the last one. The desire is just not there. A few months ago I even turned down a decent condition project car off my one time bucket list, it was even had a decent price. When you start making excuses why you should not to get it, its probably time to not get it.

So last fall I was considering doing a few things with my 48 Plymouth coupe. The old coupe has been on the road since 2012 and was originally built as a tribute to the old dirt track coupe race cars, for street use. We have put a ton of miles on it and have enjoyed it a bunch. Back in 2018, I had to do a few repairs that were not done when the car was first built (I never expected it to last more then a year or two). Through that process, a few things were upgraded towards creature comforts (driving it 10,000 miles a year does that to you). When i git my 49 truck done, I put the coupe up for sale because I knew I wouldn't use it for at least a year after the truck was done. When it did not sell, and since it will likely not be the main cruise around the country vehicle any more, a few months ago I had considered taking it back to its original intent, but a bit more realistic then it even was originally. A bit more crude, bigger tires, bigger motor with a bit of rumble, a more "race car" like interior then it presently has. I actually started lining some things up, looking into what had to be done to keep the manual trans (almost everything I had years ago is long gone), then I just ran out of steam!
I'll see if my ambition comes back in the spring! I just don't enjoy building or working on them much anymore. Maybe 50 years of doing it has caught up with me?
Can't help much w/the selling aspect, other than to maybe suggest a non-stock-car-tribute paint job. Or at least offer to make it one color. ??? I think you've posted other detailed pics on various forums, I don't remember all I've seen. But as a lower-end(dollar-cost-wise) street(ed) rod, it'd make more sense. Esp if it was daily-driver quality(dependability). Which, iirc, it is. Nice & usable.
My problem for the past 14 years is that I never have the time for my car projects because I'm always doing remodel projects. So, I tend to suffice my desire to work on my project cars by instead buying a new one. It takes far less time and it's pretty much the same rush of dopamine. So now that we've sold our home of 30 years and moved on to another house that needs work, I'm going to fire myself and hire a contractor. I figure the subs will all cost the same and I'll cover the contractors up-charge by completing and selling a few projects. The other day I consolidated all my cars into a list on my pone because half the time I can't remember what all I have. Only 3 are drivers and even those need work.

I tend to just keep an eye out, something fun always reared it's head. "Weird" projects tend to sell on the cheap, I've picked up Studes, Simcas, Bentleys, Kaisers, Ramblers and even the front half of a Duesenberg on the cheap.

If it's cheap, weird, I can probably have fun with it.
I was working a bunch, and I know about the no money or no time dilemma, so I bought a ton of project cars for when I had time. Some of them I still have interest in, and some I do not. I knew that would happen, so over the years I have traded off the ones I would never build, for ones I like better. The last build I did was for somebody else, and I got pretty burned out on it. Now everyone keeps asking me what I am going to build next. I am sure I will drag something into the shop soon, but I am taking my time on that move.
I hate when projects be a “a project”. New Years resolution #1 is not starting any more projects, be it car or house, until all are done. Our March 4 day bath remodel is still on going and priority. Trying to get inside stuff done because I don’t like working on stuff in the cold. Jim
All this could almost be considered "couch time" with someone holding a pen and pad. 🤪

My '58 received all my time until I ran across the '30 I'm building now. I had been wanting a '30 (+/-) for about 15 years or so when I found this one 4 years ago. Even with the house build and physical challenges over the last couple of years putting cobwebs on the truck, I'm excited about jumping back on it more than ever. I've been thinking at arms length about finding something for the next adventure but too much on the plate now makes it easy for me to not push.

I like what's been said- Don't rush the hunt. Keep looking and the next one will grab you like the '30 did me 4 years ago.
For me it depends on a couple of things. What do you call projects and what draws your time the most. To me it seems that everything around is a project of some sort. There are those things you want to do and some things you have to do. Being mostly a one man band, the things that need to be done have to get in the way of those things that I want to get done. Around here unfortunately, the have tos are outnumbering the want tos. So I guess the projects pick me, not the other way around.
For me it depends on a couple of things. What do you call projects and what draws your time the most. To me it seems that everything around is a project of some sort. There are those things you want to do and some things you have to do. Being mostly a one man band, the things that need to be done have to get in the way of those things that I want to get done. Around here unfortunately, the have tos are outnumbering the want tos. So I guess the projects pick me, not the other way around.
You totally hit the nail on the head there! We are two peas in that same pod! 🤪 :ROFLMAO:
I've given this question quite a bit of thought but haven't come up with an answer until Smallfoot's thoughts registered. Sometimes it's outside forces that start me off on a project and sometimes it's what I want to do the strongest that lights everything up. I have an added advantage over some of you as I have at least twenty cars out there to pick from, that I see every day.
I have found over the years that only having room to work on one vehicle at a time, and having to "find a place" to put a 2nd project (to keep the local authorities happy), seems to get them done faster. That also detours the the thought of "changing directions" in the middle of a project.
I have found over the years that only having room to work on one vehicle at a time, and having to "find a place" to put a 2nd project (to keep the local authorities happy), seems to get them done faster. That also detours the the thought of "changing directions" in the middle of a project.
Over the last couple of years I'm seeing more and more examples of "In all things give thanks" and you just added another one Gene. (We could sit around the campfire and talk 😉). Love the mindset behind that. The seasoned hot rodder/rat rodder will find a way through challenges!!!

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