Yeah, I'm old, but I just don't get tatoos.........especially ones that cover huge amounts of skin. I know it is currently more acceptable than it used to be, but it does sort of mark you (no pun intended) as a little outside the mainstream and can hurt your chances for some jobs and other things in the future.
A good friend of my two Sons is a super nice guy, but he has his arms tatoo'd down to the wrists. He wanted to not work in junkyards any more so my Sons recommended him for a position as Assistant Property Manager at a complex my one Son manages. The guy had to wear long sleeve shirts for the interviews, and every day at work when he finally did get the job. Up north than might not be a problem, but here in Florida short sleeves are so much more comfortable. He also had to keep his shirt buttoned all the way up because he had some tats on his neckline.
I fully expect some flack for posting what I have said, and that is ok. Just sayin' that as much as we say we don't care what other people think about us, in reality sometimes other peoples opinions do affect our jobs, housing, and social position. A cool little tatoo that is hidden is one thing, but I am talking about the ones that cover lots of skin. I think it is fair to say, since I was on the hiring end a lot of times, that if two guys show up for a job and one has tatoos the one with no tatoos will probably fare better, even if both are equally qualified. That is just the reality.