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Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
RRR Supportor
Jan 13, 2018
South West CT
I enjoy social media that talks to my interests. There are some great ones and some not so good. My 2 go tos are here and a Suzuki BBS. Twitter is ridiculous but I go there for news info and weather info. Instagram has my automotive and animal algorithms so that is cool. Facebook by far is the worst. I belong to a couple groups there and have dropped a few because people ruin them. I was on a fishing group and was at the beach. Posted a video of birds diving on bait fish. Some good answers but then like ,that happens all the time. That is not news. Recently on a Ford "Bricknose" group I was asking for opinions on my truck. Older rusted curious as to continue or sell. A couple good answers then the Scrap guys start with sh!tbox etc. I'll give you scrap value. So just a thank you all for being here. Anytime I have asked a question here I got answers. Not BS. Never change this group!! Thanks Jim
That's about how people are anymore, very rude.
The folks on this site are here for the same reason you and I are.
Social media gives everyone a venue to share their thoughts and opinions. Unfortunately, it does not come with the judgement of which of those should be shared and which should be kept private.
People have always had opinions, they used to keep them mostly to themselves , but with the internet, it’s easy to spout off. Sit behind a screen and nobody will punch you in the mouth when you render rude, ignorant comments. I have very few friends on FB, seldom post anything, but read a lot. Some of those folks on there need a trip out behind the woodshed!

Anybody can make a snarky remark, especially if they’re having a bad day, done it myself a few times. I can only entertain idiots so long! Misinformed people I can tolerate and try to educate, I don’t know everything and learn new stuff all the time myself, but the belligerent ones who think they are always right I try to avoid. For example, I tolerate some of those on the HAMB only because I’ve always been a study of old vehicles, the ones that get in my craw are the ones living the past and think the world stopped evolving in 1965! Same thing with those so brand loyal everything else is junk. I’m Ford loyal, but have and still own different makes, right now I have 3 Ford products, a Chevy, and a Chrysler Jeep! I might rib someone on their choice, but unless it’s a Yugo, I say it’s your choice do what you want.
I have a dumb phone and I actually still call if I want to talk. Never missed a smart phone. People look at me , even laugh at me, but I think life is distracting enough as it is. I don`t walk around with my face down. I see the world around me. I just can`t imagine spending so much time on all kinds of socials just to see how others live their lifes... I`d rather live my life. Don`t even get started on rudeness. Safety of the anonymus screen. Mom would wash my ears.... :eek:
Sure there are kind people still, but most don`t talk and look down on their screens. That can`t be a good example for kids imo.
I like this place. It`s not that hard to be friendly and supportive, is it? or say nothing...
As a wise man once said ; Keep on keeping on...
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I was out walking yesterday around the time the high school gets out. I was amazed at how many young kids, girls especially, are walking looking down at their screens. So easy for someone just to grab them. No idea what was going on around them. I was brought up and brought our kids up to have your head on a swivel. Jim
I have FB and Instagram for family and close friends only. The only social media I use is this one. And thanks for that to everyone here.
I have a dumb phone and I actually still call if I want to talk. Never missed a smart phone. People look at me , even laugh at me, but I think life is distracting enough as it is. I don`t walk around with my face down. I see the world around me. I just can`t imagine spending so much time on all kinds of socials just to see how others live their lifes... I`d rather live my life. Don`t even get started on rudeness. Safety of the anonymus screen. Mom would wash my ears.... :eek:
Sure there are kind people still, but most don`t talk and look down on their screens. That can`t be a good example for kids imo.
I like this place. It`s not that hard to be friendly and supportive, is it? or say nothing...
As a wise man once said ; Keep on keeping on...

Reminds me of an old post card I have with the three monkeys on it - Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. (Did I get the last one right?) Anyway, I saw a 'meme' recently that had it all rolled into one - a monkey looking at a smart phone. (I have one, but use it mainly for business, and then only telephone & texts, and only occasionally look up something on the internet. Oh, and the camera. Use that a good bit. Don't use my older digital camera any more.)

FaceBook groups are a really poor option for a forum. People are often rude, and perhaps even worse, unless you comment on a post and receive a response, it's almost impossible to ever find anything again. I don't understand why anyone would choose that over a discussion forum.
Maybe not considered a social media platform, but has anybody been paying attention to what youtube is doing? I started getting notices the other day that youtube doesn't allow ad blockers.(I've had ad blockers on this machine since 2019 and always on when watching youtube vids.) It went on for a few days with me just going about watching what I wanted then the notice changed to "you'll get 3 more videos using ad blockers and then videos will be blocked."(or similar)
Anyway, sounds like youtube wants to fade into the sunset much like photobucket did. They want to force you to do it their way or don't do it at all!
Not a good plan for a ah@le like me and I imagine a few of ya'll!
I already get ads when I use firestik to get to youtube and they pretty much ruin anything you want to watch. There is no reason and no placing the ads in non critical parts of the vid. Well, a little while ago I went for my 3rd video since that last demand and could not watch a 4th one. SEEYA youtube!
I have not been on U Tube for a while, but as I understood it, the ads were placed between videos, but not in them.

I have watched U Tube videos on Roko (or whatever it is) and there U tube ads are between about every 3rd video. There was a skip button on Roko where you could skip a couple ads a couple seconds into them before you had to watch a full ad.

I'm not shutting my ad blocker off for U tube though.
Haven’t had that happen yet, but I usually pick and choose what I watch on there. I never have auto play on, and if it does it anyway I stop and go to what I want to see, not what they want to play. I’ve got a few favorites saved that put out a video or two a week, if they look interesting I take a look.

Got an account on there I had to set up years ago, but have never uploaded anything there. I’m not photogenic! I don’t take selfies for that reason also!:rolleyes:
Now that I'm approaching my dotage, I spend quite a bit of evening time on You Tube. Lots of news and entertainment there. For instance, I follow the revelations of the James Webb telescope, various car guys, lots of music and some political commentators.
I have very few Facebook friends. I get news and entertainment there too. Apart from a few political death threats and friend requests from dubious characters, I have had a good time on Facebook.
My beef with FB is you only see what they want you to see. Many times stuff will pop up advertising an event that is past that I would have been interested in going to but didn’t because I didn’t know about it. Just because your friends with someone doesn’t mean you’ll see all their posts, either. I seldom see what my wife posts and with others it may go months before you see anything from them even though they are on every day.

Much prefer a board like here where you see everything and can go back later and find it again. Doesn’t happen like that on FB.

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