Fascinated by rolling objects!
I'm just too lazy to repost these and the others from some of you fine folks.
Try out this thread of old speedsters/racers![dr
Forgot about this thread. Thanks for bringing it up.
I'm just too lazy to repost these and the others from some of you fine folks.
Try out this thread of old speedsters/racers![dr
Don't know the story behind it, but it has to be one rough track!
Here's an absolute feast for the eyes if you like vintage Speedsters. One of every kind imaginable here. There's even a build photo section for cars undergoing restoration or construction. There's some amazing information to be had if your interested enough to read through it all. [dr [cl
Here's an absolute feast for the eyes if you like vintage Speedsters. One of every kind imaginable here. There's even a build photo section for cars undergoing restoration or construction. There's some amazing information to be had if your interested enough to read through it all. [dr [cl
This one kills me... Just not living in the same world. kinda scarry...
I'd like to commute to work like this... maybe people would quit 'botherin' me???
It occured to me--these things were 'choppers'.. Cut the weight off and runem..