I happened to get something in my eye while grinding. Even while wearing a full face shield. I wasn't sure if it was metal of dirt. Later last night I walked in the house to look. I could see a chunk of stuff in the white of my eye. I tried but couldn't get it out. A few years back I had to go to the doctor to get metal out of my eye. One worked on me for a while but then sent me to a specialist. She got a little more out but told me any more digging with a neddle and she was worried she would do more damage. She said all I could hope for is my body would obsorb it. Fast forward several years and my eye site is getting worse in that eye. So last night freaked me out. I grabbed a few Q-tips and walked back out to the garage. Handed them to Amy and told my nurse and her aid, Sami to get it out. I thought Sami was going to fall over as I held my eye open while Amy run the Q-tip over my eyeball trying to snag it. It took 3 tries to get it out. One time I thought Amy was going to bust my eye open with it. Yeah it hurt! That's one fear I have is my eyes. I have been burned, stuck, cut and a number of other things in the garage but nothing freaks me out like getting something in my eyes. I guess having neddle pushed around in your eyeball to get the stuff out will do that to a guy.