Tail Light Tuesday: Oh yeah!!!

I like the dome light too
I'd drive that!Tail Light Tuesday: Unsafe at any speed... haha! Don't see many of these anymore!
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Which did you like better?I went through a "Corvair Period", just after my "Volkswagen Period".
Looks familiar but I can't place it just yet...I know it's not Tuesday but I need help identifying the kind of car these taillights are on.
Our younger daughter was involved in a road rage incident this weekend and she snapped this photo after a guy cut her off, slammed on his brakes, threw it in reverse, sped back to her, and got out of his car running up to her car shouting she'd messed with the wrong guy!
To me it looks like an SUV. It's unique features are the shape of the taillights and location of the reverse lights The kind of car it is, is right on the tip of my brain but I can't find it.
Now here's the funny part. Our daughter is a terrible driver. I've ridden with her twice and it was scary. I'm guessing she cut him off without realizing it. But it's still no excuse for that kind of behavior. For goodness sake, she's a librarian and a book editor, total book worm, sweet as can be!
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