And the winner is --------- Dr Crankenstein---- The rest of you were in the right era, as this grille is in the '49 or '50 Mercurys or Meteors. The Meteor was a Ford body with a Mercury-like grille and quite often a Mercury engine. The Monarchs were more like a Mercury with a unique grille.
Now to you Dr. You will only get half points for committing the location infraction, unless you send me your credid card numbers, then we'll see.
The real reason for this silly quiz is this, If our southern neighbours in the States are building a Shoebox Ford and they want a really cool grille, they should look for a 'bolt-in' like a Canadian Meteor. The grille and surround are mostly flush with the front of the car. The middle piece of chrome is protruding a bit though. Try and get the surround with the grille.
Keep on tinkering.