I love the grill, definitely a good solid match for what you have built!
thanks I think I can make it work. Ive got a Torch and a big hammer. HaHa
I love the grill, definitely a good solid match for what you have built!
thanks I think I can make it work. Ive got a Torch and a big hammer. HaHa
Post up a few pictures of what you're having problems with. The cab from the inside, and the grill from the front and side.
I'm with him... plus... I've been wanting to build a truck and leg room is definitely an issue I'm 6'2" with 4' of leg lol....
On an other note the 33 chevy radiator shell I picked up has most of the dents knocked out of it but it neither fits inside nor outside the the frame horns. so they may have to be cut off.
thanks for all the kind replies guys. I know I will get it to work. I just was having a very low day. It really helps with all the encouragement. I had thought of the notching of the grill shell and possibly narrow the insides of the frame horns or both. This isn't the first rework on this thing and I'm sure it won't be the last. I've looked it over and I think the best thing to do is raise the cab to where the floor is only channeled to the point of the bottom of the doors being flush with the bottom of the 4" frame. That will gain me 3 1/2" or so. I will try to get some pictures up in a couple of days. I've been up since 3:00 plowing and sanding roads so I'm in no shape to work on it tonight. Thanks again for the encouragement.