Well, it’s Memorial day. Time to honor & remember all the men & women who fought to make & keep this awesome country what is is today.
I typically go see my Dad who's buried in Houston’s Veteran’s Cemetery but today I'm spending it with my youngest & her brood! He was very proud of his military service during WWII in the Navy & wanted to be buried with other veterans. He & his twin were too young (16) to enlist & lied about their age to get in. During the war he was a airplane mechanic on a carrier & got injured several times during attacks. He also saw his brother’s ship get sunk & didn’t find out until much later that his brother had actually survived.
I got my love of cars from him & I’m really glad he loved cars & not golf or something else like that... not that there’s anything wrong with golf! He forgot more about cars than I will ever know... he was a natural mechanic. He also loved to do engine swaps & one of my fav’s he did was swap a big Caddy motor into a ‘57 Ranchero. Talkin’ about burn-outs! That sucker would lite ‘um all the way down the street. He finally put sand bags in the back to get some traction!
If your Dad is still alive be sure & enjoy him while u can. My Dad has been gone 18 years & I still miss him every day & so many times I wish I could just call him up & talk.
Yo Dad... this Bud’s for you!!!
I typically go see my Dad who's buried in Houston’s Veteran’s Cemetery but today I'm spending it with my youngest & her brood! He was very proud of his military service during WWII in the Navy & wanted to be buried with other veterans. He & his twin were too young (16) to enlist & lied about their age to get in. During the war he was a airplane mechanic on a carrier & got injured several times during attacks. He also saw his brother’s ship get sunk & didn’t find out until much later that his brother had actually survived.
I got my love of cars from him & I’m really glad he loved cars & not golf or something else like that... not that there’s anything wrong with golf! He forgot more about cars than I will ever know... he was a natural mechanic. He also loved to do engine swaps & one of my fav’s he did was swap a big Caddy motor into a ‘57 Ranchero. Talkin’ about burn-outs! That sucker would lite ‘um all the way down the street. He finally put sand bags in the back to get some traction!
If your Dad is still alive be sure & enjoy him while u can. My Dad has been gone 18 years & I still miss him every day & so many times I wish I could just call him up & talk.
Yo Dad... this Bud’s for you!!!