
Rat Rods Rule

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Have you guys seen the documentary Marwencol?
This poor guy is drunk at the bar and gets suckered into admitting he likes dressing up in ladies cloths. some teenagers follow him and beat him near death and when he wakes up he can't hardly remember who he is. he has to learn to walk, read, write all over again.
He gets sent from the hospital with very limited rehab.
He had some artistic talent before. He takes to playing with dolls and photographing these scenes staged in a world he created in his backyard. It's his therapy he invented to figure out who he is and resolve his problems in an imaginary world.
He couldn't remember anything and found his diary where he had written his feelings about himself and was really worried he used to be a bad person. His friends told him you weren't bad you were just a drunk that's all.
He's a bit odd but it's a neat story.

Have you guys seen the documentary Marwencol?
This poor guy is drunk at the bar and gets suckered into admitting he ....... he had written his feelings about himself and was really worried he used to be a bad person. His friends told him you weren't bad you were just a drunk that's all.
He's a bit odd but it's a neat story.

Guess I don't need to see it now, I just read the short story^^^:D
Guess I don't need to see it now, I just read the short story^^^:D

Lol good one
here's a story...

I love the way he gets everything posed so natural looking. the dude has an awesome eye for detail..
side note... in the movie he's waiting nervously as his art is set to be publicly displayed. he's standing there with the fidgets and they ask him if he's alright or something like that and he just looks down at his feet and says "F'ing man shoes" lol

I was a nerd, a geek, a schoolie. I love to read, I liked both cars and girls back in school but cars were easier to get and not so superficial.
Another kid asked me once if I was gay, I said no. He asked why are you always into those hotrod books and not screwing girls. I said "my mom and dad got married and stayed married so did my grandparents. You could say I'm old fashioned". he asked me why I didn't have a girlfriend I said that's not my fault is it... I'm not allowed to get a job, I have no money, no car, and most of the girls, I wouldn't marry. When I meet a girl smart enough and nice enough to fall for me I'll have a girlfriend".
It used to really tick me off. I make friends and find someone who seems like a nice girl like mom or gramma and before I know it she falls for a slick talking flashy turd. He beats her, takes her money lives off her whatever then dumps her for another ho.
The I get these broads that have lived out life too fast and furious before they got old come up to me after they are all used up with nothing left looking for a nice guy to lean on.

As I grew into an adult I've have a hard time personally with humility. While not wealthy or gorgeous I have gifts which set me apart from others.
I don't want to be all that way but it seeps out and people pick up on it.
Honestly because of my earlier years I became competitive. I've been able to excel at nearly everything I've tried. Not necessarily the best but better than most.
But the older I get the better I was.
That's the new thing to face
I never stuck with one thing because I could do anything and do it well.
It's easy to begin to think your better than other people just because you might be better at something. It's some sort of curse on man this hubris that lurks in everyone. No-one is better, You can only be better at something and that doesn't last.
The guy I had my rig leased to asked me once during negotiations over rates "you don't seem happy doing this, what do you really want to do"?
I was like "??????? I'm happy were talking money here"
Matt- "what do you like to do"
Me- "make money"
Matt- "no really what do you love doing what's your avocation"
Me- "making money, good honest hard earned money and as much as I can make, at least a little more than the average guy to prove I'm better"
Matt- "You can't be all about money that's not good"
Me- "No Your misunderstanding me, I'm not all about money It's about competition. Being 40 years old now I do have some limitations but for the most part there isn't anything I can't do at least better than average. When there isn't anything you can't do, and you enjoy doing just about anything does it really matter what you do as long as you prosper at it"?
Matt- "Why are you trucking, I know why you gave up on construction (illegals=$$$) but why trucking? why not a doctor,lawyer,executive,professional if your out for money"
Me- "Trucking was an opportunity, I'm highly proficient at it and it pays well. Opportunity in a free and just society comes from other people, their wealth, and their ability to know what you are worth to them...not your ability to know what you can do."

I'm not into sports, pop music, used to get picked on and beat up in school for being smarter quieter and smaller than the other kids. This guys different for other reasons but I can relate to what he went through.

What I can see here as I read what I wrote. what I've gotten from you guys means something to me.
For example I can see that 2 of my major obstacles to success has been inconsistency and underselling myself.
The same exact things that gave and give me girl problems.
It's like.. girls like cars so I'll get a car and get a girl. Then by the time you work your way up to get a car... the girls are into houses and not into car guys.... Then when you get a house you realize how much you like YOUR house and how much you would hate to not live in your house and not work on your car in YOUR garage (but still have to pay for it) :eek:
People have told me things like "I'm not successful because I was a genius, I'm a fairly dumb guy who was smart enough to grab hold of one good thing and squeeze everything I could from it. It's all about consistency, a fart in the wind disappears pretty quick don't it?"

SO I write and talk alot so what...
I'm not a self made man. I'm who I am because of feedback...other people...You guys.
If it wasn't for Y'all I'd be sitting wild under a tree saying goonie goo goo while I'm waiting for an apple to drop.

I think that's why I like the doll poser guy... he's got a good lesson on life. Don't tell anyone about your collection of heels when your drunk lmao no really he's got a good message.
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I was liquored up and hijacked the thread sorry

where were we... awww yeahhh... City that time forgot...

I built a lot of models but never had em come out that nice. It amazes me the incredible eye for detail and the persistence some people have to make something so cool...
There was a guy in the neighborhood who was into trains. That was the first time my mind was boggled by toys made to look so real.

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