Canadian Rust Bucket
Had some lowlife (two I think) steal my Coleman Generator from the back of my pickup over the weekend. Last I could confirm it was there, was Thursday evening at 7:00. Police seem to think it could be as recent as Sat night by the muddy foot prints on the step bumper and box floor. It had rained earlier in the night and the prints didn't get washed away, so it could very well be. I didn't notice it was gone until Sunday evening around 7:00, so it's had lots of time to grow legs and run far, far away! The police have the desciption and serial number, so they have that much if it happens to show up. Had a cable with a lock looped through the frame and pocket in the box, but they broke the lock. Cable and lock were still laying in the bottom of the box. You can see where it was dragged over the side scratching the paint up, but can't tell which way they went after that. Aaauuuggh I'm POed!! Sorry for the didn't help, I'm still POed.