Thieves struck during weekend

Rat Rods Rule

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Canadian Rust Bucket
Dec 26, 2007
Ontario Canada
Had some lowlife (two I think) steal my Coleman Generator from the back of my pickup over the weekend. Last I could confirm it was there, was Thursday evening at 7:00. Police seem to think it could be as recent as Sat night by the muddy foot prints on the step bumper and box floor. It had rained earlier in the night and the prints didn't get washed away, so it could very well be. I didn't notice it was gone until Sunday evening around 7:00, so it's had lots of time to grow legs and run far, far away! The police have the desciption and serial number, so they have that much if it happens to show up. Had a cable with a lock looped through the frame and pocket in the box, but they broke the lock. Cable and lock were still laying in the bottom of the box. You can see where it was dragged over the side scratching the paint up, but can't tell which way they went after that. Aaauuuggh I'm POed!! Sorry for the didn't help, I'm still POed.:mad::mad:
Sorry to hear about your lost Sniper. :( I pray the law catches these people and they get whats due them. Will your insurance cover the lost items?
I hate a thief and a liar. In my book they are both one in the same.
I really hate to hear about stuff like this happening. There was just a guy who posted on the HAMB that his Chevy pickup was stolen from right in front of the OMNI (I think) hotel in Texas. He was there for a show.

Down here in Florida the hot item now is home a/c units. They steal them in broad daylight for the scrap value. Just saw an ad for a company who makes a cage to go over your a/c unit to lock it down. D*** thieves. :mad:

Hope you catch the idiots who stole your generator, or at least that your home owners insurance covers it.

Sorry to hear about your loss Sniper! I'm a firm believer in What goes around, comes around! They'll get their's, don't worry!...CR
Tough deal sniper. I know the feeling all to well, I have had my hous ebroken into while I was sleeping, lucky for them I didnt wake up, but they managed to take about $6000 of guitars and amps. Also have some kids in my new neighborhood that like to look through cars if left open found that one out the hardway as well. Hopefully with any luck it'll show up, if not insurance should help you out being as you can prove it was locked up.
Sorry to hear that... nothin' makes me more mad!!! :mad:

There was just a guy who posted on the HAMB that his Chevy pickup was stolen from right in front of the OMNI (I think) hotel in Texas. He was there for a show.

That's scary stuff cause u know we're armed to the teeth down here in Tejas!!! :D

Down here in Florida the hot item now is home a/c units. They steal them in broad daylight for the scrap value. Just saw an ad for a company who makes a cage to go over your a/c unit to lock it down. D*** thieves. :mad:

That was rampant here in Houston because of all the construction until the city passed a law that only registered A/C companies could sell old units to metal recyclers... that put a end to it immediately! Now the big thing here is stealing catalytic converters... especially off trucks & SUV's that sit high off the ground.

Thats the problem with too many people nowadays! No friggin respect!! You work hard for your money and the things you have and some LOWLIFE just thinks they can take it from you!!! NO RESPECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope they catch the lil fockers!!!!!!!!!

Ya we had the Catalytic Convertor thing happen here a while ago and then the law boys started making everyone show ID to scrap and started keeping track of everyone.
Well, things haven't gotten any better. Went to the insurance agent this morning to report the theft. After the $500. deductible and an automatic loss of the 15% discount on the policy if I make a claim, I will have paid out the price of a new unit anyway. Not much point in an insurance claim if it's less than a $2000. item. Now it's a wait and see what gets said, and by who. One thing about living in a small town, as soon as someone blabs, everyone knows about it by the next weekend. Just have to keep an eye on the local online classifieds and Kijiji sites for the next while. Somebody needs a super dose of karma right about now. And I'd help!! [ddd
I would go to any construction sites in town as the guys there are notorious for buying "hot" items and look for your generator. ...CR
Really sorry to hear about your Thief troubles there Sniper. I too know the feeling all too well. When we lived in the city, ( for over 30 years) we had our home broken into 4 different times, had cars stolen right out of the driveway and numerous other things. It's enough to make one a little PO'ed alright! I LIVE for the day I catch some S.O.B. climbing in my window...........he won't be goin' back out. I'll just bury him in the basement.
sorry to hear the bad news...

had a 4 wheeler stolen outta my back yard once--nothing like that sick-to-your-stomach feeling when you realize that the item is GONE:confused::mad:

in my case the item turned up--neighborhood meth-head got caught cooking up a batch and one of the many items recovered at his secret location was my 4-wheeler

so there is a chance you may get your generator back:eek:

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