Things just got worse

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
Downtown Hooper, CO
I haven't been on here for awhile, due to working crazy hours trying to make enough cash to get our trailer ready to live in before the old adobe house falls down completely.

I've been working at a friend's shop, building a food truck (the first of three) for a customer. Any time away from there is spent working on the interior remodel of the trailer, waiting for warm weather. I need the ground to thaw out enough to dig a couple trenches.

About ten days ago, I stepped out the back of the truck onto the back bumper, then onto a step we use to bridge the space between the floor and bumper. As I put my foot on the step, it slid out from under me, causing me to fall pretty hard, hitting the back of my head on the bumper before crashing to the concrete floor.

Long story short, I'm jacked up and won't be able to work either at the shop or at home for awhile. Torn rotator cuff, sprained neck (luckily no broken vertebrae), severe muscle spasms in my back, a chipped bone in my elbow, and lots of other sore places.

We don't have the funds to hire people to finish the trailer, so if the house decides to fall over, we'll need to move in with our son until I can get back to work and make enough to finish the trailer. Needless to say, it looks as if I won't be doing anything with the Heathen any time soon. Maybe next Spring... :)

I'm not looking for sympathy; I just thought I'd let you folks know why I've been absent. I hope you all have a great Spring, and I'll check in again some day (hopefully to say I have a safe place to live). I hope all of you have a superb Spring and a sunny summer. Animal
Holy crap! I hope you heal quickly and start feeling better even sooner.
If you need anything, and I mean anything at all, get a hold of Doc Crankenstein :p

Just trying to make a bad situation a little better.
:eek: Sounds like the opener of a new book. Now you need to get well quick so you can catch the neerdowell that greased the step, and deliver justice as needed.
Bad Luck No Luck

Will send good vibs hopping for fast healing and plentiful work:confused:. Wish i was less than 2000 miles away to offer some help :rolleyes:
Good luck with all of it.[cl
Best wishes, Larry. I hope you recover completely on all fronts! :(

Since I have permission, buy your tickets here... Maverick Corvette Raffle

Best wishes, Larry. I hope you recover completely on all fronts! :(

Since I have permission, buy your tickets here... Maverick Corvette Raffle


My buddy's dad was loading some stuff on their loading dock & fell off head first... it was fatal! Get well soon guy & I'm just thankful you're still with us! [cl

And just remember... YOU'RE AN ANIMAL!!!

Thanks for all the encouragement, guys. I know things will get better at some point (at least I sure hope they do). Its a good thing I'm not a quitter, because the combined weight of all the crap that has happened is starting to drag me down a bit.
Thanks for all the encouragement, guys. I know things will get better at some point (at least I sure hope they do). Its a good thing I'm not a quitter, because the combined weight of all the crap that has happened is starting to drag me down a bit.

Your no quitter for sure. Larry. At times, though, it's hard to see the light at the end of the darkness.
Sending you strength and healing vibes.
Please keep in touch:)
Hard to live up to a moniker like that, but you're doing it! Take em easy and you'll get back to it...

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