Things that bug me.

Rat Rods Rule

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LOL I'll keep that in mind!!!

Here's one for the LEOs here.

If the day ever comes that you need to pull me over for speeding on some lonesum highway PLEASE, Please, please don't ask me if I know why you pulled me over. We BOTH know how fast I was going. ;)

Just a simple, "Dude you F'ed up" will work. :D

I would suggest if that happens I'd simply say "Why? Don't you?" :eek:

That is exactly why I never use that phrase.... I tell them why I stopped them and ask if there is a reason or excuse for the excessive speed....less confrontational..... but if you are ever in the area... you've got a "get out of jail" free card here!! :D
A lot of the bicycle riding creeps (as George Carlin calls them) around here, they like to ride in the mountians and Cades Cove. They will flip you off in a second if you dont bow down to them. :mad: They say they have the same rights on the roads as cars do, where is their tags, insuranse , speeodmeter, license, horn, signals? They need to be going the speed limit or get off the rod with the kids.
I would suggest if that happens I'd simply say "Why? Don't you?" :eek:

That is exactly why I never use that phrase.... I tell them why I stopped them and ask if there is a reason or excuse for the excessive speed....less confrontational..... but if you are ever in the area... you've got a "get out of jail" free card here!! :D

I thought you'd like that one...:D

Or, you could walk up to the car with the radar gun, "Hey, nice run man!, I got you at 135 what did you have?"


I agree it's a speeding ticket no reason for everyone to get all twisted out of shape. ;)
I'd come with ya! Cops don't write Cops tickets....we're good!!
I actually had a speeder say, "If I were a cop, you wouldn't write me a ticket!". I said, "You're right, I don't write cops, firemen and lifeguards because if I were in a fight right now, THEY would help me, YOU wouldn't!". He bowed his head and said, You're right".
Here's one for the LEOs here.

If the day ever comes that you need to pull me over for speeding on some lonesum highway PLEASE, Please, please don't ask me if I know why you pulled me over. We BOTH know how fast I was going. ;)

Just a simple, "Dude you F'ed up" will work. :D
I've actually used that line if I didn't want to write that ticket. If you were honest, I'd let you go.
Just last night driving to the shop I was reminded of something else that bugs me.........tailgaters.:mad: I always drive the speed limit, I just do. But sometimes you look in the mirror and there is this car plastered to your rear bumper. A few weeks ago I was on a four lane road, in the slow lane, and this big SUV was inches off of my bumper. She could have passed, but was on her cell phone, so I tapped the brakes and slowed way down. That got her attention, at least I think so, because she gave me a hand salute that I think meant I was number one. :p

The amazing thing is, I've had people tailgate my B&W. I pull over, then get behind them and light them up. Boy, do they get mad when they get the cite.
I know!!! At one time I worked for a body shop that had the city contract so we occasionally repaired wrecked marked police cars. It was part of my job to deliver them back to the city garage when they were done. I was absolutely amazed that as I was driving along some idiot would be inches off of my rear bumper !! :eek: The cars have tinted glass so they didn't know
I wasn't a cop, and most times they were chatting on their cell phone. :confused:

I also watched people run lights and blow stop signs and they really didn't seem to care that a marked police cruise was right there.

sarge if you see an absopure truck speeding in youre neck of the woods its me just so we are on the same page, i am racing. second the people turning right onto a street or parking lot that have to take such a wide turn, like they have a 53ft trailer behind them. or the clowns that see a big truck and think they have to hurry and jump out and you have to hammer the brakes then when you finally get back up to speed they stop to turn left. people dont realize it takes alot to stop those trucks.[not that we are ever overloaded]:mad::D
two that got to me today.
Showing up on a construction site that reeks of pot. come on guys, cant you wait till you get home?
People who cannot carry on a five minute conversation without cursing 50 times.
I've actually used that line if I didn't want to write that ticket. If you were honest, I'd let you go.

I've been lucky to run into cops with a good sence of humor the few times I've let my lead foot do the thinking.

I was heading from Chicago to Tn. to go boar hunting. Empty streach of I-65, drinking black coffee and eatin' donuts. I get pulled over (rightfully so) The tropper asks if I know why, I looked over toward box of Krispy Kremes and started to say ...."I think I kno".....He started LOL and said "Don't SAY IT"....We both just broke up LOL.

We talked about hunting, He asked me nice to try follow the post limit. Great guy! Oh I got the ticket, I was wrong.....But, his radar gun must of been messed up...I was easily doing twice what I got written up for. :D

I'm pretty sure if I was a jerk....that ticket would have been more accurate ;)
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Yep your right on.... argue or be rude

and I guarantee you get a cite..... cops are people too... we have good and bad days and all the same type of problems that others have.... yep, we are held to a higher standard but as has been stated numerous times.... respect usually gets respect in return....

getting back to the topic of this Things that bug me....Izzy hit the nail on the head...people who swing way into the left lane to make a right turn.... then do it in slow motion... can't pass them because the are taking up the left lane too.... by the way...if I see an absopure truck speeding....I'm getting the heck out of the
People who try to sell their used crap for 98% of the new price.

Guys who advertise their junk as "rare" and/or "restored" when it's only a clapped-out '85 Cutlass with new paint, a stereo and some aftermarket wheels.

People who can't back out of their own driveway, but find it necessary to purchase a 35ft RV.

Guys who have never pulled a trailer in their life, (or backed one up, for that matter) but figger they need a boat. These clowns can be found at the busiest marinas, desperately taking thirty-seven attempts to launch the craft.

Telemarketing should be a punishable offence. The computer generated stuff is especially bad. It's harassment, pure and simple. And why do they have an accent so thick you can't understand them anyway? It's like giving a mute a job on the radio.
TV commercials that come on 5 times as loud as the show you were watching !:mad: I watch the court shows on True TV a lot, and I have to keep the remote in my hand because when they go to commercial it blows me off of the sofa ! :eek:

Speaking of commercials, some commercials are just horrible. We have a KIA dealer down here who has dealerships in NY too, and when his commercials come on I can't hit the change channel button on the remote fast enough. He uses the word HUUUUUUUUUUUGE at the end of the commercial and he is about as annoying as they come.

Now there is a pizza chain down here where they have a kid with a wig on doing a parody of the KIA guy, and it is even a worse commercial than the original. Thank God for the remote control. :D

I also hate businesses where the owner uses his young kids to do the commercial. When I was in advertising the one thing we tried to do was keep owners and their families from doing their own commercials. Some of them wanted to see their faces and their families faces on tv, and we always felt it did them more damage than good. The idea of a commercial is to get your message across, and sometimes you can't even understand what the kids are saying.

Finally, I hate TV shows that should be good but when the producers get involved the drama they feel is needed turns them into a show you can't stand to watch. Shows like American Chopper, American Hot Rod, Monster Garage, Desert Car Kings, and those stupid repossession shows!

Smoking in resturants is illegal here in Tennessee. I hate when people stand right outside of the building smoking and blow it out when they walk inside.

People that dip or chew tobbacco and spit everywhere.

People that let their cell phone ring with the worst and loudest ring tone instead of pushing the button to mute it.

Dogs that just bark their head off while the owner just stands there with a glazed look on their face.

Bad quality parts and workmanship. Nothing like doing the job twice because of junk parts or fixing someone else's attempt to fix it their self. Im tired of the " It's good enough generation". Im more like Mike Holmes, Make it right!

I've enjoyed reading this post as well as the post which inspired it, "Things we remember", and that got me thinking, the two post can sorta go hand in hand, Example: some of the things i remember most such as mom and pop grocery stores, gas stations, hardware stores, drug stores, diners, etc. have been replaced with some of the things that really bug me, Exampl: wally you know where, convience stores (where everything can be had except cutomers service), chain "home improvement stores", chain restoraunts (where the food comes pre cooked for thier convience, not yours, then is heated when you order it and you still get it cold), now i have to check my own oil and wash my own windows when i over pay at the pump for gas of less quality........................................................................................
I just knew i shouldnt get started down this path, could go on for quite awhile, but nothing makes you appreciate the good things like the loss of them.
Slowpoke morons in the fast lane! NO, you DO NOT own the road you idiot. Quit being inconsiderate and follow the law, pull over and get into a slow lane. Excuse me ladies but many times I'll finally get up next to them and it's a girl talking on her cell phone doing 50 when everyone else is doing 80. I pull over in front of them as close as I can possibly get!
<end rant>

Finally, I hate TV shows that should be good but when the producers get involved the drama they feel is needed turns them into a show you can't stand to watch. Shows like American Chopper, American Hot Rod, Monster Garage, Desert Car Kings, and those stupid repossession shows!


You touched a nerve, Don.

When American Hot Rod first aired, the story was about the bloody cars. Slowly, but surely, the "formula" takes over and ruins the whole issue. I could care much less about Boyd's whacked-out ex-wife, or the stupid "deadline" drama. Show me what you can do with a car, not how you manage your scripted emotional life. Puke.

And the volume thing. Why can I pause, record or rewind live TV, but I can't set the volume to be consistent? You'd think the technology exists, wouldn't you?

Other technologies that are supposed to make life easier, and more convenient. Ha! What a joke. If the computers are down, the whole world stops turning. I was in a major retailer when this happened. I said, "Here's the cash. Exact change, too." But I couldn't leave the store with the goods. (The items HAVE to be scanned. BS, I say).

People who stop dead when emergency vehicles appear. Not pull over and stop, just stop. Smooth move, now you're blocking every lane.

Idiots who chop in front of a tractor-trailer just before a red light. (Thanks, Einstein. Now I'm panic stopping 200,000 lbs.) And then they get all hacked off 'cause you're right on their bumper. Jeez. Be thankful you're alive. These are the same morons who drive "inside" a rig performing an S-turn.

People who just have to pass. Then slow down, so you have to pass them. What's the point?

People who use the drive-thru bank machine, and do their banking for the past three months. Get off your fat rear-end, and go inside. You know, walk in?

Two-footed drivers who ride the brake. Ok, are you stopping, or going?
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People that.....

COMPLAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING! :D lol , that was a joke!!!! Sorry... just couldn't help it.....

Oh.. and people with no sense of humor....LOL

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