This cold snap can end anytime

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2015
Saskatchewan Can.
It started 10 days ago the day before I stated holidays. There has only been one day above -20c with most in the mid -20's, overnight lows in the mid -30's but this morning the mercury is sitting at -39.4c which is 1 degree off being the same as farenheit. Looks like we have today and tomorrow then we warm up. [cl[cl
Been very cold here too. But that's expected in Minnesota. Not much snow though. Leaving Tuesday with the wife and 3 dogs for Florida to warm up these old bones.

No welding for a month.
Been kinda cold here too, but we're going into the deep freeze tonight and won't be out until maybe Wed for a short time, then back again. Not as cold as you guys get, but down in the teens, which is very cold for us.
Yup, plenty chilly here - -20's C overnight, mid -C teens by the day. The river in front is frozen over and it's been a few years since I've seen that, and rarely if ever this early in the season.
High of 58 today, but then highs only in the low 50's the rest of the week. Supposed to wake up Thursday to 32 :eek: (Fahrenheit for you canucks, we're not that balmy - yet)
Been very cold here too. But that's expected in Minnesota. Not much snow though. Leaving Tuesday with the wife and 3 dogs for Florida to warm up these old bones.

No welding for a month.

Good for you Bob. Glad to hear it. :)
What a difference a day makes. I pulled back into the yard with the Propane bulk truck yesterday at noon -27c with a wicked cold wind, came in this morning at 3:30 and it was -12c and calm now it's +2 [S:D
Beg, borrow or steal a big block airboat... and blow some of that "warm" air over here. [ddd


Beg, borrow or steal a big block airboat... and blow some of that "warm" air over here. [ddd



Man, I've owned a few airboats. What a blast! They tell me the snow would be cool for them. I never got to try that. They move right along on water. Wet grass is absolutely scary fast...snow?...the mind's eye sees a heap at the bottom of the mountain!:eek:
small: Some time back, I had notions to build an airboat. Somebody in zzrodder's territory designed and built them. He'd sell plans, pre-cut kits, parts, templates, finished boats, whatever you want...

Anyhow, he claimed his BBC version would do 70 MPH on smooth water... naturally, I wondered what it would do on a frozen lake. [ddd

I Don't doubt that Doc! We made 70 on mine with a built 400 Chevy...Mine was strictly "old school". 12/1 cr, with a Crane cam made specifically for airboats and water injection. It only allowed the motor to turn 4000 rpm. Pushed by a wood Sensinich 72/38 prop. On an old Fiberglass Cottonmouth 13' hull. Ran with a bunch of guys that were aircraft motored light built boats but made believers out of them...
I can't tell what power plant they have on the sled you pictured but it's set up nicely with what I can see. Looks like an adjustable trim tab on the transom and that big paddle fiber prop with adjustable pitch blades. Light hull made of aluminum. Nice...[cl
At work, our supplier ran us out of diesel yesterday because they couldn't get a load of #1/#2 blended. So instead of at least getting us #2 diesel with additive, they decided it would be better for us not to have any fuel? So today a load finally shows up and it's 7500gal of #1 to mix with our remaining 300gal of #2. And they decided to reschedule the load of #2 that was supposed to top off the tank to tomorrow instead of this afternoon.

Basically most of our semi's will have 80-90% kerosene in them by tomorrow afternoon. Lows are supposed to be -5 to -10 at worst over the next few days. I think we're ready. :rolleyes:

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