This is funny but what a pain.

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
eastern Pa.
Yesterday I took a tank down off the shelf in my barn to put on my Honda chopper that I'm redoing.

The tank was setting on the shelf open and when I got it down it felt heavy. So I look inside and here some Squirrel or chipmonk filled it with acorns. I guess you know what I said

I most have spent about two hours trying to get all of the acorns out of the tank.With the lip around the gas fill in make it impossible to get them all out. Today a guess I will try a stick with some sticky tape on the end Or hook a small hose to the end of the shop vac and try to suck them fast to the hose so I can get them out.

Last night I sat there laughing and just thinking how animals be a pain and all there just doing is trying to stay alive.

Yes they may look cute but they are on thin ground right now. They are my enemy right now.
Found a real nice mouse nest in my saddlebags last year! They didn't do any damage, just carried some stuffin in there to stay cozy.
My garage is a pole barn so is well ventilated. Mud dobers build nests in EVERY tiny hole they find, bolt holes, hoses, fittings ect. Takes a long time to clean the mud out of 27 holes in an engine block..or even one hose fitting..:mad: LOL
I had a brand new Chevy truck, after a couple month it wasn't shifting right.Since it was new I just took it to the dealer to get fixed,never looked at it. After I dropped it off I got a call from the dealer, the entire engine compartment was stuffed full of pine cones, they had never seen anything like it.The squirrel had unhooked the kickdown linkage or something.They charged me an hours labour to clean it all out.
I had a squirrel problem last summer and was surfing to find a way to get rid of them. I found a site that explained how to hunt and eat them. They had all kinds of recipes like stew and chili...... Kinda creepy i thought. But the little buggers can make a mess thats for sure.
I had a squirrel chew through the dang plastic gas tank on my riding mower.....

I pulled the cover off it and went to fill it with gas, started to pour it in and heard it hitting the ground[S

I saw that the tank had holes in it and took it apart to pull the tank out for replacement... there were teeth marks everywhere[S

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