This is what scares me about riding a bike! Ck this crash!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Dudes... I used to ride & race bikes but after a couple close calls & seein' a guy die right in front of me.. I gave it up. It really doesn't matter how safe you think you drive... it's always some moron that takes you out while u're mindin' u're own biz! Ck this accident a Iraq Vet had the other day in Dallas! Holy Cow Batman!!! :eek::eek::eek:

It is scary how poeple dont watch but even worse," Perez said the driver had no driver's license or insurance and despite receiving three tickets, he wasn't arrested".
I lost my best bud on a bike in a small town. Hit on his way home from work and he was wearing a helmet, it didn't help. My best bud now just bought one and I have nightmares about him getting hit also. The older I get the harder it seems to be to lose people, not that it was ever easy. I am glad the guy lived,it easily could have been different.
It is scary how poeple dont watch but even worse," Perez said the driver had no driver's license or insurance and despite receiving three tickets, he wasn't arrested".

That is an absolute outrage. :mad: Guy (or Gal) should have been locked up and the car impounded. If that were me or you I bet we would have had more happen to us than that. :mad: What are they waiting for, someone to be killed by this idiot???

I don't get it. We arrest people and impound their cars all the time for unlicensed. I bought my wife a new car in 2000. 2 weeks later she was rear-ended by a female with no license or insurance. LAPD refused to respond so I tracked her down myself. I was only able to cite her and impound her car because it was a day later.
I'm glad he will make it. I rode (not drove) bikes for years. When I lived near Dallas you couldn't pay me enough to get on the freeway with those people.
It is dangerous and we all know people who got hurt bad or killed. The only way to survive is ride like everyone is out to kill you. You can't just lah-tee-dah along like you do in a car, you have to have total situational awareness in 300 ft, every direction, including behind you.
When I lived near Dallas you couldn't pay me enough to get on the freeway with those people.

Tell me about it... it's pretty scary here in H-town too. I would never ever ride a bike in traffic here. We have at least 2 or 3 guys get killed on bikes every week! :eek:

You all keep posting up.all this crazy bike accident stuff right a the begging of bike season! Here I am riding a ridgid suicide shifted Japan chopper.
We get a lot of guys on bikes (mainly crotch rockets) around here that are rarely under 80 MPH. Every day in front of the shop I work at, They take off from the redlight wide open on the rear wheel/ :mad: If they crash, I dont feel a bit sorry for the idiots that cant follow the rules.
I lived in Dallas for a while. When my daughter was 6 weeks old we were coming back from Christmas shopping on I-75 and was hit from behind at high speed. The person left the scene (probably had no insurance or license) and my daughter had to be flown out in a helicopter. The sad thing is if I ever found the guy I would end up in jail... I HATE DALLAS DRIVERS:mad:!
Did any of you notice tht the bike had smoke coming off the tires,like he had to lock it up for something. Just like anything else, a split second can mean an accident like that. It doesn't appear that he just ran the guy down. It looks like he got his attention somewhere other than driving for a split second. I ride my bike daily and have traveled all over the US on my scoot . I do agree though , whats up with a ticket for no license or insurance?
Not to be the devils advocate but......

Did any of you notice tht the bike had smoke coming off the tires,like he had to lock it up for something. Just like anything else, a split second can mean an accident like that. It doesn't appear that he just ran the guy down. It looks like he got his attention somewhere other than driving for a split second. I ride my bike daily and have traveled all over the US on my scoot . I do agree though , whats up with a ticket for no license or insurance?

In Michigan.... we do not issue traffic citations at serious accident scenes nor do we arrest the other driver for a a reason.... if the injured driver were to die from the injuries then the driver could be charged with neglegent homicide or other criminal charge..... if we write a citation for the accident, it would be double jeapordy if we tried to charge them with another charge after we cited them for the reckless driving or such at the scene.... so normally, officers will wait to see what the victims condition / prognosis is before citing or charging a driver..... hope that helps some....
I witnessed a bad bike wreck east of Dallas a few years ago. It was about sundown and a typical daft female east Texas driver turned off a side road right in front of a bike just as I was meeting them. The first thing I saw was the smoke off his rear tire, then he did a couple tank slappers and went down. I had to take the ditch to keep the bike from hitting me as it came sliding and him barrel rolling into my lane. I just went on to the top of the hill to stop traffic and call it in as others were attending to the rider. A couple days later I saw a guy out there walking around and stopped to talk with him. It was the guys best friend and they weren't for sure he was going to make it but probably. The guy was from Norway and was to get married in a few days.

Personally, I think everyone should have to spend 2 years on a bike before they get a license to drive a car. Then a driver's license should be a cross between a pilot's license and a CDL, much harder to get, take about 2/3 of the idiots off the road.

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