TIG + Aluminum = Question

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The Hot Rod Cop
Apr 8, 2010
I'm pretty sure I have the issue knocked down to cheap Chinese alloy with impurities but thought I would ask before I scrapped the parts. I went to weld up some 3" aluminum intercooler piping and was having a heck of a time getting it to actually weld. It was customer supplied (issue #1), polished and fairly thin walled. The fitment of the butt joints was excellent, I cleaned the area and hit it with a stainless bristled brush I use only for aluminum TIG work. Pure Argon, pure tungsten rod with 4043 filler (tried 1/6" and 3/32" filler with no difference). Issues is 1 it takes forever to get through the cleaning phase to the point where it has a shiney puddle (this is away from the edge of the joint) just as you start to add filler and move along the area suddenly starts getting this black crud in it and the arc jumps around. Pretty soon it all turns to crap. If you try to join the 2 edges it starts the black crud producing properties almost immediately. Same settings, same filler, used on a known good piece of 6061 tubing and it welds beautifully. Am I correct in thinking it is impurities coming out of the alloy? Thanks in advance. [P
It is impurities, most likely anodizing from the manufacture since its shiny then plating from electro polishing.
Try a scotch bright on a die grinder to get through the coating. The stainless brush isn't aggressive enough.
Are you using a square wave machine or an inverter machine?
The inverter machines can handle more impurities than the square wave.
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If you have an inverter tig, try changing the settings so that the torch cleans more before it starts to make the puddle.
Oh and change to red tungsten instead of the green.
clean clean and purge

Are you cleaning the inside of the pipe. and doing an internal purge. chinese sand paper can leave a film from the glue they use... on parts, clean with acetone to remove it and any traces of the polishing compound used.
Also try scotchbriting the butt ends, inside the tubing and wipe it clean with Prep All.
Freakin aluminum has to be very clean, as you know.
Are you cleaning the inside of the pipe. and doing an internal purge. chinese sand paper can leave a film from the glue they use... on parts, clean with acetone to remove it and any traces of the polishing compound used.
Must be right, we said the same thing [cl [P
Have you used the argon bottle before? I have had a couple of times where the bottles I got were contaminated. Replaced the bottle, and went back to normal.
over here in NZ we use a 2% zirconiated tungsten, also 5356 ali filler rod is a more commonly used than 4043..
as I remember 4043 has more silicon and wont stick to 5356 grade ali, while 5356 has more magnesium in its chemical make up ,,

these factors can result in weld annoyance that you describe ..

crate was thinkin
"Pot metal".

I agree with the comments already posted. I also believe, no amount of cleaning, purging or preparation can defeat an "impregnated" alloy, known or unknown.

Has anybody tried welding ceramic coated steel? Snotty job and the TIG doesn't like it much either!

Thanks for all the replies. I will try to answer as best as I can:

-Pure Argon - Good flow, good bottle. welds well on everything BUT this pipe

-I didn't try cleaning the inside much but it's a good idea.

-No internal purge. 3" tube might be hard? and I would need a second hose/valve

-I did pick up some acetone to try as well. I was out at the time (I never said I was smart!)

-I'll try the scotchbrite idea before the SS brush.

I orderd some tube from my usual supplier that I know will be good 6061. At this point I just want to try different things on this crap for my own amusement (torture? Lol). My Scotish side took over and I took the first piece I made into garbage over to the anvil and smashed the heck out of it with a 4lb hand sledge! Not sure if I won that argument but it did my mood better! Lol [cl
[ddd All that does is, make you feel better and that's how I do it too [ddd
Beat the shlt out of it :mad:
I would like trying to weld a piece of that crap myself.
[ddd All that does is, make you feel better and that's how I do it too [ddd
Beat the shlt out of it :mad:
I would like trying to weld a piece of that crap myself.

Lol PM me your address and I will send you a chunk :D
It's on its way OI. Good luck! Let me know how you fare even if it turns out I have Crystal Navel Syndrome...[cl
Here's the result
Please forgive the beads, I shake like a dog crappin razor blades anymore :(
Cut it into with my bandsaw, cleaned the weld area with emery cloth, wiped it with Prep All and dried it with a clean paper towel.
Red 1/16" tungsten with a #4 small cup.
I had to hold the torch in one spot to wait for the puddle to clean up before introducing the 4043 1/16" wire.
It would take a better welder than I to weld this material without the machine I have. Miller Dynasty 200DX



Bkgnd A

AC Frequency


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Well that is 100% better than I did OI. At least now I know it is me and not the material. Funny thing is the new pipe I picked up all I did was chop saw it, scotchbrite the area and clean with acetone and it welded beautifully. One thing I might have noticed is you used a 1/16th tungsten where I was using a 3/32. It seemed if I backed off the amps it wouldn't clean. If I upped the amps to where it would clean it basically just melted the part. Could be the issue all along. Thanks for the lesson![cl

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