i have a john bean 5.1 spin balancer that may or may not be working correctly.i got it for a steal from a tire shop but thats why im thinkin it prolly aint workin right.it goes thru calibration procedures corectly and says its good.problem is for example:i put a unbalanced wheel/tire on it using correct adaptors set all parameters and spin it , it tells me like 1.250z on left 1.00 oz on right.i place weights on rim at indicated locations and spin again.machine runs and says 000oz 000oz .i take it off and put the same balanced wheel/tire back on and respin it and it says i need like 1.75oz and .25oz in completly different locations?????wth how is this a balanced wheel?i asked a somewhat big tire dealer(not one i got machine from)an he says every machine he ever had would always call for more weight if you take it off an rerun it but usually small amounts.any experience on here got any insight on this?