I believe we go through different times in our lives where some things have a higher priority the other things, and those high priority things always seem to change as time goes on. Its probably the cycle of life.
The car hobby tends to be one of those things that moves up and down the priority list. Sometimes there are things that just need to change, other things that need to get done, and things that we sometimes have to just get away from for a while.
Unless there is an absolute need to get rid of the car projects, I suggest you just leave them sit. At some point they will likely become a higher priority again, and you will be very happy you still have them. That shift in priority may take a few months, or it may take a few years. The car projects won't mind waiting, and unless you are paying for storage, they are not costing you anything to leave sit. When you get back to them, it often becomes very exciting again, and you go after it like never before.
Personally, I only could work on one project at a time or I became overwhelmed quickly and lost interest in both. I found that having a project waiting until the current project was finished, got the first project done faster, and it kept my attention on it better.