A *real* tin magnet
Just got a call a couple days ago that the title for my 40 panel is just about through the pipeline. Since my state tightened up the process and made it nearly impossible for the average person, I had a friend with a towing company do it. They still have a fairly involved set of hoops to jump through but they do it all the time and know the ropes. Cost, $75. But not many towing companys want to mess with it. Still, it is an option and a good one.
I broke my own rules and bought this thing without a title, then bought a parts cab for rear doors and another parts cab for the front doors. But I really wanted it, knew what I was getting into and took the risk. Plus I had a backup plan and that's the 41 panel title I got with the rear half I bought for the doors.
I broke my own rules and bought this thing without a title, then bought a parts cab for rear doors and another parts cab for the front doors. But I really wanted it, knew what I was getting into and took the risk. Plus I had a backup plan and that's the 41 panel title I got with the rear half I bought for the doors.