Today in History: 1964 ~ President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Tx.

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was a freshman in high school. I was in study hall & an announcement came over the loud speaker that the President had been assassinated in Dallas. A cutup in my class said out loud that Nazi's probably did it. Needless to say... the teacher sent him to the office where he promptly received 3 swats! For those of you too young to remember... we actually got swats at school for being bad! Our principal was a 6'6" ex-basketball player & after you got 3 from him... you were very good for quite a long time! [cl:eek::D

I was running a backhoe in a sub division and a lady came out of her house and told us . Didn't know what else to do so we kept on working . I think every body knows where they were when they got the news . D or R , it was a sad day in our country .
They say people will never forget where they were the day he got shot and also where they were when the towers got hit on 9-11. That is absolutely true.

I had just bought a 53 Studebaker that had a sbc in it and a buddy and I were at the guys house trying to get it started so we could drive it home. (It had been sitting for a few years) As we were working on it the wife came out and told us "President Kennedy has just been shot!" :eek: We were only 18, but even then we knew this was terrible and we felt bad. She kept coming out during the day, giving us updates, and finally told us that he had died as a result.

The next few days were like a very bad dream, everyone was in shock and glued to their TV's watching this unfold..........the shooting of Oswald, the funeral, little John John saluting his Dads passing casket, all of it. These were different times, and the world changed for everyone on that day. We had lived in a pretty innocent world, pretty much Mayberry-ish. These things just didn't happen in 1963. From that time on things got pretty black in America.......Vietnam, riots, protests, lots of American boys and girls dying in faraway places. The world changed, and not for the better IMO.

Thank you Bob for reminding us of this date in history. :)

It was one of those things that stand out in my memory as well. A friend of mine had a small blue transistor radio, (they were new and a big deal at that time) and we heard it over the small radio. Ran off to tell the first teacher we seen, (we were at school at the time) she got real mad at us and didn't believe us at all. In fact gave us the devil for lying and was going to take us to the principal. You just don't say things like that. Had to show her the radio and even turn it on so it would work. (doubt if she had seen a transistor radio up until then) Next thing we know she's off on a high speed waddle down the hall and left us standing there. It was only a few minutes later that there were at least 4 or 5 teachers huddled around the big old wooden case tube radio that all schools had back then, didn't take long to find out the whole thing was true.

I've read countless books, and have seen a large number of movies and documentaries on the JFK assassination. Never felt as though the real truth or true events ever were revealed, and still haven't to this day. But one book in many, does stand out from the rest. It was written by a man named Howard Donohue who was an expert firearms witness and testified in the hearings. His own beliefs were turned around and in the end he uncovered where the fatal bullit came from. The various levels of government that he approached with the findings, shunned him and didn't want to hear about it. With hard work, common sense, and science to back it up, it's the most compelling and truthful account I feel has been presented to date. Mortal Error is the name of the book and was released in 1992. Due to public indifference, or people being bombarded with so many other 'who done it' accounts, this book just seem to fade away, and it seemed a lot of people preferred it that way. It's a tough book to read with all the science behind it, but that is what makes it a worthwhile account and makes the information hard to dismiss. By the way....the info points to Secret Service agent George Hickey as the source of the fatal bullet....and it was fired by accident. Another interesting little tidbit, Oswald kept saying he was "a patsy" and had been set up. No doubt he really did believe it. If you are shooting at a target with others, you can pretty well tell when you, or the other person hits the target, due to where you were aiming or the timing of your shot etc. Now Oswald gets off two shots, the first miss the intended target and hits the road surface, the second hits Kennedy in the neck. The third shot hits Kennedy in the head while Oswald is looking on, or looking down the barrel sight. Either way, he knows he didn't fire that who else is there? He thought he was alone. Oswald gets away, but gets caught later on and figures he was set up to be caught. If...Oswald was working alone, he would have no reason to think he was set up. But...if he was working with someone else, he would think he was set up to take all the blame, since someone else was there and shot Kennedy, and he now sees himself as "a patsy", and says so over and over. So the question remains, who was Oswald working for??? Ruby? Maybe. Would explain why Ruby shot Oswald, to keep him quite. So..who was Ruby with?? And on and on it goes....
too young to remember it--happened before i was around- but i agree there are moments that change things forever and that was one of them, i can see it myself from a historical perspective...

thanks guys for recalling such a significant time in all of your lives, i for one appreciate it:cool:
Eleventh grade History class.Office helper came in and said the president had been shot.Still had respect for the office of President back then. Felt sad and depressed. Then got angry when the lies began, and depressed some more when most people were willing to accept whatever they were told to believe on the news. This assasination of a President while the whole world watched set the precedent for 911.
I was old enough when Robert was shot to remember it well. I know that all my realitives watched everything on TV. From the news casts to the funeral. Between JFK, Robert, the moon landing, and later 911, the television tied the nation together for a time.
I was in 6th grade, I remember it well. Another memory is when the anouncement came over the loud speaker and one student kept talking while the teacher was trying to listen. He was so upset that he started crying and to get the student to stop talking he threw the chalkboard eraser at him and it whacked him on the side of his head! The only joy that day!!!:(...CR
I know we all have our theories and feelings about what really happened that day, but personally I have never trusted Lyndon Johnson and felt he somehow knew more than he led people to believe. He just looked sheepish to me while taking over the position. Like most of the other theories, that is just based on my own suspicions and could be totally out in left field.

i was only 2 years old at the time so i don't remember it, but i remember when robert (i think) was shot, they loaded him on a on a train if i remember right, because it was on all three channelles on tv most of the day, waiting on the right train to show up with his casket, or something to that sort. either way they where both a big loss to the family's and the people. it was a sad day on both.

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