A *real* tin magnet
If everything checks out on it today I'll pull the trigger. 1999 F-350 cab and chassis. 7.3 with a 6 speed and 4.10 gears. $2650
It has 210,000, some hail damage but is clean as a whistle underneath, not a drip of oil anywhere. It just got traded in yesterday and it's cheap because it hasn't been through the shop. My buddy who is a tech there and who turned me onto it, he will check it out today and make sure it doesn't need a bunch of $$$.
Now I can retire the old 92 F-250 with the 300-6.
It has 210,000, some hail damage but is clean as a whistle underneath, not a drip of oil anywhere. It just got traded in yesterday and it's cheap because it hasn't been through the shop. My buddy who is a tech there and who turned me onto it, he will check it out today and make sure it doesn't need a bunch of $$$.
Now I can retire the old 92 F-250 with the 300-6.