Turned down old tin... What?

Rat Rods Rule

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Skull Master
May 11, 2007
Fruita, Colorado
So the local paper showed a "1921 Dodge Brothers". Pictures looked pretty good, but how well can you see a 2 inch square picture? They were asking best offer, my kind of deal. I called the guy up and he tells me they have to move out several cars, and they would take about anything for the old car. I hooked up a trailer and drove across town. Turns out to be and old touring car with the back half cut off, and the bottom of the body rusted through to the frame, which also was heavily pitted. Good upper cowl, and hood, also the doors still open and close. The grill is okay, and the frame was fair, but what do you do with a pretty flemsy frame. Anyway I told the guy I would give him $50 bucks. He says no way. I ask what he was thinking. He said, at least $200 bucks. I said no way. He says he checked on e-bay and it will part out for $200 on e-bay easy...... duh!

He has my name and number:rolleyes:
Jeez, I have been running into those kinds lately, won't put a price on something "make an offer" then get kinda upity when you lowball. 2 different deals last week, I insist they must know what they want and they insist I offer, then when I say $25 it's the same "no way we take less than $150" Ok so you DO know how much you want so why do we have to play this game? see ya.
Hey..it's called "Haggling" ..it's part of the fun of this hobby. :D Sometimes a guy will actually accept my low ball offer. So I try it on everybody. No harm done if they say "no"!;) Just be "Kool":cool:
You ask me what I want to pay for it - I'll tell you "Not a d**n thing, I want you to give it to me." You ask me what it's worth to me, I'll low ball it. You give me a real price and I'll give you a honest offer.

The ones that bug me are the "MUST SELL" gimmick or OBO. Then they want some goofy price for it. If it's BEST OFFER, it means you want to sell it now and it shouldn't be rotting away in your yard 2 years later. Just about as annoying as the "It ain't for sale" guy that suddenly wants to talk price when you start to walk away.
I always use the line, "I'm not going to buy it and sell it too! What are you asking, you know what you have in it? I'll soon tell you if it's to much." Sometimes I get an answer, couple of times I've been 'shown' I'm #1. :D
I never tell a guy what his **** is worth, tell me what you want for it and I'll tell you if I want to buy it...... If we are close I may try to haggle ya down a little but if your asking price if fair I won't insult you either....
it was only $200. are you crazy, only 200 , why not. 200 aint nothing

It is not the amount, if that was the car I had to have. The thing is I have lots of old tin, and more projects than I'll ever get too. But if I can snag one cheap enough, to store for a while, then I'll do it.
it was only $200. are you crazy, only 200 , why not. 200 aint nothing

The thing is I have lots of old tin, and more projects than I'll ever get too. But if I can snag one cheap enough, to store for a while, then I'll do it.

The Bonehead nearly has the back 40 all filled up with old tin & is careful about addin' to his "collection"!!! :D:D:D

I was given the tour of Boneheads 'compound'. He ain't jokin' when he says he has pleny of old tin and projects!

Every time I pointed at one and asked him if he wanted to sell it, he always said "Nope, ain't for sale. Someday I'm gonna fix it up." :D:D:D
I sound like one of those old guys who won't part with nothin.

I am thinking of getting rid of the 50 and 52 Ford cars. Need the room, and I don't see myself ever getting into those builds.
:Di always say,, i never price another mans junk! then, but i will give 20.00 for it! i done spent that on gas coming with my truck with a 454 and trailer!! now what do you want!! i been told i was numberone alot!!:D
I called aguy at a local scrap yard once here a while back, it was a chevy, no doors, no interior, had been ina fire, but it still had the inline 6 in it, so I figured I would atleast look at it. I shot the guy a low price over the phone he's like nope, I could get 1200 out of it on ebay....I was like yeah sure pal.
The body was rusted to hell, the only good thing could have been the engine MAYBE and I bet the frame was cracked to.
Sometimes people's stuff is just flat out worth more to them than it is to me. Would I like to have it? Yes. Will I waste alot of time with it? No. There is still alot of tin out there. Thank goodness America is full of packrats. (like me)

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