UPS Fail!

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
UPS sucks! About a month ago I ordered a couple of items. One was shipped by UPS & one shipped FedEx. The FedEx delivered a day ahead of schedule... UPS took 5 extra days. UPS trying to say it was last minute shoppers that caused this is BS. Blaming it on the customer is really not a good idea IMHO! [S

I'm in agreement! UPS can't find their butt with both hands. I'm out kinda in the boonies. My gate is locked over a mile from here. I usually don't have any truck shipments sent here because the logistics of getting them to the right spot just doesn't seem to work. I can be sitting up there waiting so they don't really have to find anything and still never get anything but a notice on the computer that they couldn't find my address and I can pick up my package at their shipping center. 55 miles to there....freakin lovely! ordered something from an outlet only 15 miles from here and have to cover 110 miles roundtrip to get my stuff...
Try sending something to my po box, which is inside at the Post office....hell, they can't even find that. Guess what, FedEx finds it and if it goes to the po box, it gets there too...what's up with that????
Sorry for the rant, climbing down off the soapbox now,,,
A long time ago I used to run the shipping dept at a large printing company. We did pick-n-pack fulfillment stuff and always had problems with UPS as well. From not locating the address, to damage in shipping (which was a lot by the way) to losing the packages. I tried to steer customers away from UPS but their prices were competitive and the customer only cared about the bottom line :rolleyes:
I'm in agreement! UPS can't find their butt with both hands. I'm out kinda in the boonies. My gate is locked over a mile from here. I usually don't have any truck shipments sent here because the logistics of getting them to the right spot just doesn't seem to work. I can be sitting up there waiting so they don't really have to find anything and still never get anything but a notice on the computer that they couldn't find my address and I can pick up my package at their shipping center.

Same thing with me, I'm out in the country. FedEx had NO problem finding & delivering my package, UPS said my address wasn't in the computer... BS excuse!!! UPS said the Post Office didn't have my address in their system but no other company has a problem & the Post Office delivers my mail every day!

For us they all have trouble. USPS is the worst. Been in this house over ten years, have a continue to get different neighbors mail and they get mine. Got a PO box thinking that I'd have the "important" things sent there and I still get other peoples mail. FedEx is unpredictable and rarely gets here on time. UPS is often late but no trouble with them. I think for us UPS is the best of the 3 but that might be because the driver is the same guy and has been for longer than we've lived here. He knows the area and the people. USPS is the same people but they don't seem to get it.
UPS sucks!

Yep. I say that five times a week. (...or more)

Every year since the stock went public, they've been trying to run leaner and leaner - this year it bit 'em in the butt.

Besides the fact the drivers are forever getting more stops added to their routes, the route areas fluctuate daily because now a computer decides the delivery routes. The theory is a kid can be given a handheld, follow its instructions, and be just as good as the guy that's been doing it 25 years. Again, it's coming back to bit 'em in the butt.

As for damaged stuff, it's actually gotten better over the last few years at my terminal - totally by happenstance.

UPS and FedEx are kinda like fast food places. UPS sucks more in some places and FedEx sucks more in others. In the end they still both kinda suck.
I quite shipping out with UPS years ago because they lose stuff and beat the hell out of other stuff. I still get a lot of stuff coming in UPS and with no problems. But then I don't live a mile past a locked gate either.
If you're havin trouble with UPS this year, blame the company I work for. You see, BNSF has had a contract with UPS for a while and as long as the shipments arrive on time, we keep the contract. Well, this year our number of trains and shipments has surpassed that of 2006. And even though we run 3x as many trains as normal, we don't have the crews to man them so even if we didn't have the power, we don't have the personnel. Most folks don't see the big picture but only the one company or the one person, i.e. the delivery driver. But I agree with y'all, they all suck and it's sorta a lose lose battle with us consumers. Makes you kinda look forward to Amazin's drone delivery lol
I sent flowers to a friend a couple of months ago and UPS didn't deliver them cause he couldn't find them in the office building. He delivers something there EVERY DAY!!!:eek: Finally delivered them 3 days later and of course they looked like they went thru a war and they promptly died the following day!:(
Fed Ex is the way to go:D
Just the opposite for me. The Fed Ex store screwed up a shipment for me and then wouldn't refund my money. Had to go through the credit card company to get a refund. I only use UPS now and no problems.
That's nothing compared to what can happen at the warehouse. And it's usually not the people, but the overloaded conveyors - think of a flooded river dragging debris under a bridge.
I have to defend our local UPS drivers. I've seen them out way after dark when it's too cold for humans. They know everyone and are like a good neighbor. It's the company I have trouble with. How do you loose a 34 Ford bumper between point a and point b?
Fed-Ex lost 30lbs of Halibut filets I shipped from Alaska in 2009. They were never found, can you imagine that. Never finding 30lbs of rotting stinking fish!! I did have it insured at least and it was replaced.
You guys do know I've worked for UPS for 27 years, right?

90% Of the time something doesn't get to your door is because it was damaged or the contents were separated from the packaging and label. Like WB said, give the veteran drivers some respect - they make good money, but earn every bit of it.

Seriously - flood debris under a bridge. Here's a vid - go to about 2:20 to get a look. And this is the slow season, not the Christmas crush.

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