Visitation of the Large kind

Rat Rods Rule

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A really rusty biker
May 11, 2007
Unwet side of Washington
Alarm goes off at 3:55am as usual. I pull my rear outa bed, wife gets in the shower, I head for the kitchen to make tea.

About 4:15 cat asks politely to go outside. I open the front door and hear a bit of rustling, grab the flashlight from it resting place next to the shotgun by the door. Point the light towards the sound to find three moose bed down in the front yard about 6feet from the door.

Couldn't get my camera fast enough to get a pic of the mooses or is that mices or meece.

however I got a picture of where two of them were. You'll have to use your imagination for the rest.

Always thought that would be weird, you north of the inland empire?
got friends up there, elk in the spring, moose in the winter.
not something you want to hit with a car, or t-bucket.
Does something like that happen very often?


Usually just deer and the odd elk, wander through. Coyotes are on a two week rotation.

About five years ago we had a half dozen turkeys. A young cougar came through and ate them one by one.

When it first showed up it was about 4am, must have been outside our bedroom window, let out a scream.....The dent in the ceiling is still there where I hit my head.:D That'll wake a person out of a sound sleep.

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