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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
Last week my Son Don's band was playing in Canada. The band flew into some Canadian airport and as they were going through customs the drummer was being held up. After an hour they found out he was being denied entry into Canada because he had a DUI on his record 6 years ago, and in Canada it is a felony! He didn't get the DUI in Canada, but in the US and they picked it up from his passport. If he had gotten it 10 years or more ago he could have gotten in. The put the drummer on the next flight back to Florida.

So they had to scramble and find another drummer, who luckily turned out to be pretty good, but he only spoke French ! :eek: Man, you Canadians are TOUGH !!!!!!:eek:

They do the same to us going the other way.
Hard to believe we are neighbours,allies and business partners eh?( I added the 'eh' so you realise I'm Canadian):D
Yet all manner of vermin are permitted to enter this country unmolested every day through our unprotected borders. I don't get it.
One of our deputies tried to enter Canada armed. They took away his department issued 9mm Beretta and never gave it back. They posted warnings throughout the department, not to travel with a department issued firearm, out of the country. If you lose it, you pay for it.
I knew about that already - my wife has 2.

2 DUI offenses, not French Canadian drummers. They are long gone history now though.
When Don called me from Canada and told me that story I thought there must be more to the story than just a DUI thing. But Don said the Canadian authorities came out and told the rest of the band that the drummer was considered a felon for having a DUI 6 years ago and he was heading back home.

Don also said booze is pretty expensive up there. He paid $ 30 for an 18 pack of beer, nothing special, just Coors. He also got some Rum and Jeager, and the tab was $ 135.00. That alone would keep me from drinking ! :eek:

A few years ago the laws changed. It used to be a valid US drivers license was all you needed and a passport if you had a DUI. Post 9/11 rules now require everyone to have a passport and apparently DUI is a no go for 10 years. Does seem a little harsh.
You pay more for the extra alcohol content and with the value of th $US these days he got a deal.:D
I cross the border regularly to pick up parts and now have to have my pasport and other supporting documents where as before my driving licence and a smile was enough.
No different to anybody entering the USA. Apply for a visa for the USA and you have to answer whether you have ANY sort of arrests or violation, regardless, even if you were not charged or convicted. If you do report anything your visa process suddenly takes six months, not a week.

I'm on my third US work visa, and it has been the same process every time.

They also actually ask you if you are a terrorist, murderer, communist etc. Like anybody would ever answer 'yes' to that sort of question...... [S
Booze and smokes carry some pretty heavy taxes on them up here. To be honest it doesnt really bother me personally, I think it's better to tax a luxury like drinking and smoking then alot of other things they could have higher taxes on.
As mentioned, since 9/11 the laws have changed alot. Before that, I crossed the border many times with a DUI on my record. No problem for officials on either side. Now, I'm flatly refused, and treated like public enemy No. 1. The DUI is 15 years old. It still shows on my record, and can STILL be reason for refusal. It's at the discretion of the Customs Officer I'm told, so the 10 year thing is no guarantee.

What really sucks is I have family and friends in the US, but can't book a flight because it's a crapshoot at customs.

It's ridiculous. I'm just a beer-drinkin', potato-eatin' Irishman. I don't wear a turban, can't fly a plane, or ride a camel. I don't speak Arabic, Japanese, French or Swahili for that matter.

Yes, Don, beer and cigarettes are expensive up here. Heavy taxes on those items. Your son would've had a coronary if he had to fill a tank with gas. Also heavily taxed, I paid $1.25 for a litre yesterday. That's $4.66 for a US gallon.

Taxes are how we pay for universal healthcare, and as luck would have it, pays the salaries of Customs Officials.

Now, I drink, smoke, own six vehicles, and two boats. I think I've paid my debt, let me across the bloody border!
Ran into trouble crossing into Maine on my way to NY,several years back. A George Bush look-a-like (really,he did look like him, spitting image!),stopped me. I had a few tools, in case i broke down in the van,HE told me I was going there to work??? Held me for 4 hours,made me buy an entry pass,and I had to return through the same border crossing, or I wouldn't be going in the next time............so I never did go back, no thanks, I'll spend my money in my country.
Here in ontaio to vross over to michigan i used my liciense two months ago. ! But to fly i know u need a pass port! And the dui thing is retarded i have a couple of friend that can t enter the states! Soon we won t be able to even have one beer and drive
Used to go to BC all the time, really enjoyed it up there and its a short drive from home. I refuse to get a passport just to go to Canada.

Here in Washington we can use an "enhanced" drivers license in lieu of a passport but will not do that either...don't want to be on any radar, not that we aren't already.
Used to go to BC all the time, really enjoyed it up there and its a short drive from home. I refuse to get a passport just to go to Canada.

Here in Washington we can use an "enhanced" drivers license in lieu of a passport but will not do that either...don't want to be on any radar, not that we aren't already.

The passport requirement was a US decision, it was a real bonus for government employees here issuing them all, another result of the 911 paranoia and none of it has any real benefit for Joe Average, other than creating more government paper pushing jobs. In the 70's we used to cross the border after the bars closed to keep on going since they were open later in Blaine Wa, then hit Dennys before swerving home [ddd. Border guys on both side just shook their heads and waved us through........ohhh, paradise lost !:(

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