Weeks like this, I can do without.....

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
Berry, Alabama
With the Monday holiday, I thought this would be an easy four days. Turned into a nightmare from hell for me. Monday afternoon, got ready to leave out, the Freightliner wouldn't crank. Batteries dead as a doornail. Tried jumping it for 2 hours, no luck, so I gave up. Was only going to Nashville, so I figured I'd get new batteries Tuesday morning, install and go. Didn't work that way, starter was still dragging even with 3 new batteries. Took it off and went to the rebuilder I use, in 3 hours he had it like new again. Came home, put it on, got it cranked and running, then couldn't build air pressure. Fooled with it an hour or so, decide to try it anyway since sometimes it would pitch a fit and not build up fully until you were rolling. Went about a 1/4 mile to a spot I turn around in, buzzer is on, pressure is very low, so I sit 15 mins to build up enough air to get back home. Call my dispatcher, tell him what's going on, we decide to rent a truck from the company the next morning to get the load delivered, now a day late.

Wednesday, I go get the 2007 company truck, come back home and get the trailer, and head off to Nashville. Everything goes smooth, get the load off and head back home. Get to my exit where I hit the two lane, light comes on, the exhaust filter needs a regen to burn out the particulates. OK, I set it to regen, and go eat, come back and it's fine, so I go on home. Get home, get into some work clothes and start removing the air compressor.

Thursday, go load first thing. I notice this truck has a bit of a air leak, but don't think too much about it. I get to the scales in TN, they pull me into the barn for an inspection. The small air leak is now a monster leak, as soon as I shut it down I'm out of air. DOT puts me out of service until it's fixed. Call the company, they get a guy to come fix it on their dime, I'm not anything but lost time, but that lost time is enough that I can't deliver that day, so now I'm stuck having to kill time until the next morning. No biggie, had to do it before, but happen to remember I'm in the rented truck, and my pillow and bedding are in mine.....so, all I had to use for a pillow was my log book. Not much of a pillow. I price a pillow in a truckstop, $15 for a pillow the size of a postage stamp, I decide to pass on it. Head on out, get about 3.5 miles from where I'm delivering the next morning, and I hear PFFFFFTTTTT-----SSSSSSSSSSS.......yep air leak again! The repair done at the scales has just blown off! Find a place to stop on the shoulder and call breakdown. Guy says he'll be there in 30 minutes, turned out to be nearly 3 hours. Turns out, the guy who fixed it at the scales used a used fitting that wouldn't hold, and the line was joined together 3 times in a foot! The second guy replaces a foot of the old line with new, eliminating the third connector. By this time, I am just about exhausted and want to go to bed. I drive the 2.5 miles to my destination, and the damn regen light comes on again. I set it to regen and hit the sack.

Today, I get unloaded and start on back. Get about 20 miles from where I planned to get fuel and lunch, and all the sudden the check engine light comes on and the computer derates the power and speed. It's the regen again, so I limp it the 20 miles and start the regen again. This time it does the trick, no more light all the way back. Got my load for Monday and went home and finished pulling the compressor. Called a truck parts house, he says they have one in stock, so in the morning I'm heading down to get it. Will take most of the day to go get it and get it put on, I just hope that's all I have to fix tomorrow. Sat night is cruise in night, and we haven't had a car to take to one this year since the Lincoln is not finished and the Vette was in the shop 5 months. Hope to go in the Vette and enjoy some down time with friends, I sure need it after this week!

Hey Bamamav,
Bless your heart, man. Not many people know what a rough life a trucker has. Was the weekend all that unusual?....probably not! I sold Class 8 trucks for many years. And, yeah I know it ain't the same. I had a lot of fleet customers and became friends with many of the drivers. Spent many hours runnin parts and takin drivers to get another only to find it had problems too.:(

You have my sympathies, my friend. May the next 100 loads be trouble free...LOL.:D

Sounds like the week from hell!. Hopefully the worse is behind you now. Enjoy the cruise and may your luck be all good from now on....CR[cl
Other than that it was a good week though............right?

Sounds like one of those weeks that make you appreciate even a crappy day. Hope you get to go cruise and relax tonight. :cool:
I usually figure days like that have a deeper meaning or purpose. It might be that you just needed to stay off the road that day or that you needed some strengthening through perseverance.
The air leak thing you kind of asked for, you legally should have never rolled out if you had an air leak you could hear.
Ah, anyway, I always just figure those days are for contrast so we appreciate it more when things don't go badly. Glad you got past it.
Well I was wondering where my bad Mojo made it off to, ain't missing it a bit.

I think it must have come here....

I usually figure days like that have a deeper meaning or purpose. It might be that you just needed to stay off the road that day or that you needed some strengthening through perseverance.
The air leak thing you kind of asked for, you legally should have never rolled out if you had an air leak you could hear.
Ah, anyway, I always just figure those days are for contrast so we appreciate it more when things don't go badly. Glad you got past it.

Yeah, I guess it was my fault for not noticing the leak, but you know how it is when you get in a hurry, you overlook some things you shouldn't. Too many things on my mind, I didn't do my job like I should have. Mental note to self, pay attention!

planning to come by the show, i'll look you

Was good to talk to Odie a few minutes tonight, even though neither one of us could remember the others name! :D I'm awful with names, especially if I don't see somebody for a while, and I think it was last summer the last time we crossed paths. Another mental note to self, try to remember names!
Cruise in was pretty good, saw some rides I hadn't seen before, but due to some family problems that came up this afternoon, I forgot the camera. And the mood we both were in, we didn't stay too long, just didn't enjoy it very much. Not many folks we knew were there, so we didn't talk to much to anybody like we usually do.

And now a update on the truck....Went to Tuscaloosa to get the compressor this morning, turned out they didn't have it after all. Ended up going to Freightliner in Birmingham to get one. Install went great, no left over parts.:D Got good air pressure now, but have sprung a leak in the splitter valve which is in the transmission, not on the back like the older models. Tranny will have to come out to fix it, and I don't have a slab or a heavy duty trans jack to do it, so it will now have to go to a shop. I doubt the warranty I bought will cover it. So, another few days in the rental truck.

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