Welfare Vacation?

Rat Rods Rule

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I just heard a good one yesterday that makes you go " HUH????"

That religious leader who is on trial for having lots of wives, some who are only like 15 years old....................well, the women who are in that commune, and there are a lot of them, are eligible for welfare since the State sees them as UNMARRIED MOTHERS !!!!!!!!!! All of them are collecting checks, and the men who live there live on that money too. :eek:

I have nothing at all against someone who is actually in need of assistance getting help via welfare, but I bet 50% of the people getting it have found some loophole in the system and are milking it.

Both of my Sons at one time in their careers managed "Tax Credit" properties, which are low income housing. These places were actually very nice, and lots of the people living there had the entire rent picked up by Welfare, or all they had to pay was maybe something like $ 25 a month at most. There were some legitimate recipients there who needed help, but lots of them had "Baby Daddies" (God, I HATE that term :mad:) who were not supposed to be living there, but who did, and lots were driving nicer cars than I do.........and I worked.

The world is NUTS !!!!!!!!!!

There is a citizens movement (I'm not involved in) to reestablish the pre civil war government which while anachronistic would be a fallback if our current government collapsed.
It involves the creation of grand juries,
interesting read anyway.
The premise is that our current government isn't the constitutional entity but a commercial corporation established after the civil war.
I don't know much about it but I read there a letter supposedly from a general in the armed forces that if citizens were successful in re seating original jurisdiction non corporate local state and federal governments and elected an original jurisdiction president the military would accept that president as commander in chief.
It has always been a point of confusion to me why sometime after the civil war, the entire structure of government was incorporated from the top down.
Government used to be "sovereign" it didn't need a corporate charter, the constitution and subsequent state constitutions was the charter....
This being the case... Who is the authority figure in who there incorporations are registered? World government? American Law is wholly incompatible with the laws of the rest of the world in this... Americans are under the protection of law. Americans are free and may do whatsoever they wish as long as it does not harm another person pr deprive them of equivalent rights. Our rights are intrinsic, they are natural, not granted. We are citizens not subjects. At one time in America all free persons living here not sworn citizens of another nation were automatically citizens. Not because the government had the power to make them citizens but because naturally thats what they were.
The constitution does not grant rights to citizens it charters government and grants certain powers to government and outlines restrictions against government. The protection of law in America extends to all persons present in the land not only to citizens here.
Privileges are a different matter, they come from government and as such if government choses to regulate privileges and restrict who may enjoy them it has the power to do so since it created the privileges. These privileges may only be for activity within the governments constitutional powers to govern.
About privileges...
They do not apply to all persons.
Things which enable or enrich citizens but not persons are privileges
One type is service. It is not a right to serve. and those who chose to serve and take oath of office voluntarily surrender their place under the "protection of law" and serve under "the rule of law". As far as their service is concerned they may only do as the law directs.
Anther type of privilege is license.
License is legal permission to engage in unlawful activity.
It is a crime (punishable against the body of a person=incarceration) to engage in the activity without license But violations of the regulations controlling the activity are punishable against the license but not the body of the person.

Government has created no rights and therefore may not regulate them or decide who has rights or what rights they have
The argument has been made the the government is "the people".
As outlined in the 10th amendment "the people" are the persons in the land separate legal entities from the federal government, or the state and subsequent local governments chartered under state constitutions.
The people are you and I in who all authority is retained.

In the rest of the world people are under the rule of law or under the rule of a person or persons. They may only do as is permitted. All authority is retained in their government or sovereigns and the people are subjects.

I refer to the government as sovereign only loosely because in America when we threw off our king we accepted no other king and became kings ourselves. As outlined in the constitution all authority is retained in "the people"
in America "The People" (not just citizens but all people who live here)

Americans are not subjects, we are citizens...
And citizen used to mean anyone who lived in the land.

Can you see how privilege is being used to break down the authority and sovereignty of the people?
by giving everyone something special they are taking away everything that makes us different and more righteous than the rest of the world. they are turning us into them..into what we fought a war to break free from.

The words corruption and treason are all that come to mind.
That is DEEP!!

The basic principals of our nation have been comprimised to the point of extinction.... "the people" seem to have very little say in much of anything even though they have elected these morons..... seems that "the people" are only one's making compromise and sacrafices......
Nicely put though...very articulate....
Hey Sarge i was just joking one day but maybe it's a bit true. I said the reason the law contradicts itself and everything is illegal and the country we founded is a memory to a few is because a proportion of people in office writing legislation either know the truth and ignore it because they have an agenda (if it aint broke don't fix it) or are marginally literate but not especially well read.
Any advantage I might have with the written word is I stunk so bad in English that I had double English the last 6 semesters of High school plus an after school class to catch up on my credits so I could "gradiate" (lol).
I didn't spend much time in public speaking though so I write and read much better than I speak.

I find it incomprehensible that right and wrong are not black and white. but after actually reading the bible, and other great works of humanity I've developed the concept that right and wrong are much more complex than legal/illegal.
I think this is where it's essential to have peace officers and not officers of the state. Like when a veteran officer's instinct tells him what law is appropriate to uphold the peace compared to a rookie citing everyone for anything he can. As far as trying to understand the whole of something so complex I came up with an analogy of a grove of trees.

Imagine such a grove planted in concentric circles from a central point and the trees positioned at the points where the circles intersected rays drawn outward from the center.

Now... Unless you were in the center...Or were on the periphery looking directly in toward the center... Or unless you were God hovering above... Such a grove would appear to be natural woods.
Only from the proper perspective would the intrinsic order of the wood become apparent. From any another perspective...the grove would just appear to be a wild wood of randomly growing trees.

We don't exactly get to see all the blueprints so we have to mind our perspective and take clues from the maker and with that we can realize through imagination what the underlying order is in the chaos.

The simplest way to put it is if your standing with both feet on the rock of justice you can see for miles and miles.

In my opinion...
The law can only attempt to do what's right, it still comes down to that thing in us that tells us what that is. Without that grace or discernment, the law is arbitrary and capricious.

Now I get raised eyebrows when I saw right/wrong are not the same as legal/Illegal...doing illegal might make you a criminal but doing wrong will make you a sinner. AT first it might seem that I'm saying the law isn't as important as morals but it's right/wrong that brings respect to the law and is why the law must align with right/wrong to warrant respect. Even where there is no government and no peacekeepers...there still are laws and right/wrong that still speak truth to tyrants.

Lies and injustice require great construct and maintenance... They are complicated...
Truth and justice needs only to be spoken out and while it can be a journey to get through all the bull dookie to get there... once you find it it is simple...light destroys darkness.

Some Churches don't want to risk losing their tax exemptions or losing converts so they don't touch on politics. they say the Lord sets up powers and principalities and it's for the Christian to merely obey the law. I say not. How can one expect to "receive the keys to the kingdom" in the afterlife if he would let the wolf in the door on earth. Angels were cast down from heaven for abandoning their first estate. This world is our first estate and we'd better not turn our backs on it.
Churches say don't get involved... Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars' they say...don't be a part of the world but work building god's kingdom(the church).
I heard a preacher once say your not building god's kingdom,. only he can do that...the only thing your building is Peter's Kingdom...

In America We are Caesar, we all are and we all will eventually suffer the consequences of not ruling over our government when it gets off the reservation.
I actually had a German tell me it was inconceivable to him that a people would be held responsible for the actions of their government.

Well....This world is our first estate and our first responsibility. Jesus said he came to tell us what he was going to do and then coming back again to establish his kingdom himself because man is not able to.
So either way you look at it if you believe in god and Jesus or if you don't... this land is our responsibility, everyone, individually.
We cannot all agree on what we want but I think we mostly agree on what the maker wants or for the atheist, what the common rights of man and the laws of nature are.

Another Joke I came up with is when people ask me what my religion is, I tell them "I don't belong to one, Jesus said religion was of the devil".
The follow up to that is "Look... I'm paraphrasing it's just a joke, he never actually said it in those words, He didn't knock on doors or beat people over the head with his book, he merely answered the questions the people following him were asking and showed them a better life and a good way to live....then they killed him and took his words and built religions and governments out of them."

On the lighter side some good wisecracks for
when people leave you with an open ended question like:
Q-"do you know what I like the best( or miss the most) is"
A-"I don't know... spray paint in a plastic bag?"


Q-"you know what the funniest thing about people is"
A-"I don't know...The way they bounce when their chute fails to open?"

or (my favorite) when someone lets their dog run up on you and he gets all up your leg...
just pet the sweet innocent thing, give it some love and a firm massage while looking at the owner and say "Nice Marbling"
"That is DEEP!!" ...sometimes get lost for hours before i come up for air....
gotta go do some trucking ....bye
What amazes me is that I read it all.....

Torchman seems to have a lot to say, but I read the first few lines then it's,

Sorry T-Man you lose me evry time!!!

Just so I don't miss something that is significant!!!!! Just kidding T-man:D
Yea, it always amazes me that you think we would read all of that stuff :p

LOl that's a good one.

but anyway...

What stuff???
Oh that stuff...the stuff you didn't read lol...
If you never read it how do you know it's bollocks?

I'm a geek... I naturally expect that anything I say or write will be overlooked by most folks. Most of anything that I write will usually be appreciated by a very small minority. Some of it becomes pop but most remains archaic.

I'm slamming big steaming piles of meaty bits on the table. Whether you want to pick through for something tasty or pass it by for a hardees that's your choice...
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