Went to a cruise in tonight

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
Berry, Alabama
Went to a monthly cruise in tonight, only the second one I've gotten to go to this year. Got there about 15 minutes after it started, only about 20 cars there. Got parked, and this was my view through the windsheild.

DSCF0796 by Bobby Atkins, on Flickr

Needless to say, the cruise in didn't last long. Less than 15 minutes later, folks were headed out, these only had been there about 5 minutes.

DSCF0801 by Bobby Atkins, on Flickr

DSCF0799 by Bobby Atkins, on Flickr

DSCF0798 by Bobby Atkins, on Flickr

We never got out of the car. About 5 minutes after these pics, the bottom fell out. A 30 minute cruise in for us.

Hope these pics show up. Just joined flickr and going to use them since photobucket is cutting off all 3rd party sharing unless you pay them. Maybe I'll get this figured out pretty quick, I may have to change the upload size.

EDIT: Sorry for the huge pics, I see I'll have to use the next smaller size next time. Don't know why the top one is smaller, I'll get it figured out, it looks to be about just right.
Yep this is a good size.
Did the weather have any thing to do with the quick departure [S
What was there looked nice including yours thanks for sharing. [cl
Yeah, the weather made for the low turnout and early departures. Usually have 75 to 150 cars there, was really a bust tonight.
Jeez, being Alabama,you'd think they'd be used to a little liquid sunshine!![ddd:D
I think every time I've ever been to Alabama there was some rain involved. I suppose taking 4 or 5 hours to shine one of those up for a cruise comes to mind. Thanks for taking the time to shoot pix. Some nice looking rides!
I wanted to look at it closer but didn't get to. I always wanted one myself.

Smallfoot, I'm just the opposite, seems every time I go to FL, it rains on me before I get out of the state! It can be a 100* sunny day, and a cloud will come up and rain on me.

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