Finish my frustrating, drawn out, pain in the ass Garage project. Been at it for almost a year.
Multiple setbacks: code issues, money issues, long hours at work, the weather, etc etc etc have all gotten in the way of progress.
Its January again, snowing and freakin cold. Concrete, 4 walls and roof is as far as Ive gotten in the last 10 months.
Joined RRR in Dec of 2011 with intentions of getting my 58 Dodge Pu on the road. Became painfully obvious working in the driveway wasnt a good idea. Between pets, neighbors, the wife, and code enforcement, outside wasnt happening. So I bit the bullet and got a pad poured for a big enough shop to tinker in.
So, for 2013 I WILL GET IT FINISHED! Sometime in early Spring is the plan.
On another note, the 58 Dodge Pu (and a few other yard art vehicles as well) has been sold. Code enforcement was seriously up my rear and it made sense to liquidate extra crap for shop materials. I do have another recently purchased project in mind. I have included a photo of the 60's Willys Pu I plan to build. I got just the cab and front clip for $250 and stashed them INSIDE the unfinished garage, out of sight of nosy folks. A build thread with plenty of photos soon to follow. Heres to a PRODUCTIVE 2013.