This was a pretty cool weekend carwise. On Friday and Saturday we worked on building the front shock mounts for my rpu project. The majority of the time was spent trial and error getting the right angle and height, and also in figuring a way to mount the headlights on the same bracket. All that is left now is to weld them up, put some metal around the open sides to close them up, and weld them to the car.
Sunday morning Don and I met at 8 am and headed to a monthly swap meet that is held at the Muscle Car Museum in Punta Gorda, Fl. Today the turnout was huge and there were a lot of deals. Here are some things I scored.
Two brand new 6 inch chrome air cleaners for the two fours on my 27 and a brand new in the box Mr Gasket 3 speed shifter (for some future project). I paid $ 15 for all three items and probably could have gotten them cheaper but I was ashamed to beat the guy up any more.

The replacement air filters alone are more than the $5.00 each I paid, and mine are getting a little dirty on my 27 so now I can change them out.
A MAC rolling tool cart with drawer underneath. I paid $ 20 for it and it is super heavy duty. Even the cheapies at HF go for $ 100, so I couldn't get the money out fast enough. I think I am going to use it to organize our air grinders and electric grinders.
A Milwaukee 1/2 inch electric drill. It is an oldie but a goodie, takes two men and a boy to pick it up, but I got it for $15 and it works great. He wanted $20 but the cord is frayed so I will have to replace that, which is why he came down on the price. He said he was afraid of it because he was using it one time and the holesaw grabbed and he thought he broke his wrist. The same thing happened to me with my 1/2 incher, until I screwed a length of pipe into the drill to use as a handle.
An old but really nice 1/2 inch dial type torque wrench in a metal case. I have a nice 3/8 one but just a cheap bar type 1/2 incher, so this one will be much better. I paid $ 20 for it, and may have it calibrated if I can find someone local to do it.
Here is some of my booty...
I've decided to use the tool cart for my most commonly used tools instead of putting our grinders on it. Tomorrow I'll pick up some socket organizers and get the rest of my tools on it.
Don got some deals too.........
He bought one of those inflatable car capsules, the kind where you drive your car in and then the fan keeps it inflated so your car is stored in a dry, clean bubble. They sell for about $500 but he got it for $75. We brought it home and his T bucket is now hermetically sealed.

I'll have to post some pictures of it, the thing looks pretty funny but it should keep his T clean.
Also he bought some old Chiltons manuals at $ 10 each, and some metal cases with various deep well socket sets inside........I think he paid $8 for 3 cases.
He also got a pretty new looking Craftsman Industrial series 1/2 inch electric drill for $ 15, and one of those squirrel cage electric fans for $20. He also scored two Fox Mustang rear windows to use as mockups to modify his Capri to use the more modern Mustang type. He paid $ 10 for the pair and wanted to see how they looked before he orders brand new ones to use.
Here is the car capsule Don got.
All in all a good day. Can't wait until they have the next one in May.