Well-known member
Anyone tried to build one of them solar exchangers?
Hey Sarge, that looks about the same design as the Mother Earth News unit I was looking over the other night. I found it by chance searching for "homebuilt furnace/woodstove".
Thanks Sarge, that's exactly what I needed to know.Thanks for posting those drawings. I lost my free plans when my old computer burned to the ground. (Note to self: Backup and copy important files to disc).
I've got another building that could make good use of this heater. One more question. How much space are you heating?
Just did another test for the night. Had it cranked up pretty good. Didnt have to use anything to light it just oil and a match WOW did it go fast! Had the sides red hot with a flame a foot or so out of the stack, just to see what it will do! I do know I will be putting up some heat sheilds and a fan around it. Very pleased with the performance of it. Still have to do a little tweaking to do, for a short while running at a "normal" flame I didnt get a smoke free burn. Maybe it was the trans fluid mixed with the oil.
Any one have any thought or ideas I can try?
Please let me know. My tank is 18 inches across and 24 inches bottom to top. The air inlet pipe is 4 1/2 inches from the burn plate and 4 inches across. The plate is 1/4 inch thick and 6 x 6 bent in a shallow V with sides all the way around. stove pipe is 6 inches.
52 fordman