Ok ... Gotta hold that BIG ole spring somehow!
Gonna run a bar across the back of the cab ... drill holes in the back of the cab going into the cage.
Yes its gonna have a hidden roll CAGE, its gonna hold my spring and belt restraints.
Yes........ the ole restraints....ya want em to work very well. The sensation of being restrained and confined in that lil tight cab exacerbates the tension felt by driving down the road, causing the major muscle groups to flex and contract rather effectively … particularly once the subject realises that their struggling in your restraints is utterly pointless.
I guess it was oxidation, or rusting, it occurs rapidly when steel is exposed to moisture and air in the east coast of the country. The minimum relative humidity necessary to promote rusting is 65%, but that figure can be lower in the presence of corrosive agents, such as sea water, salt air, acids, old men hoarding parts, acid precipitation, soils, and some sulfur compounds present in the atmosphere, which act as catalysts in the oxidation process. Rusting is accelerated in situations where the steel provides pockets or crevices to trap and hold liquid corrosive agents. Furthermore, once a rust film forms, its porous surface acts as a reservoir for liquids, which in turn causes further corrosion. If this process is not arrested, it will continue until the iron is entirely consumed by corrosion, leaving nothing but rust ....... leading to cracks.
Appreciation and acceptance for what and how far we have come on the lil truck. I feel a passion for life and love in its bare skin...... Sensuality?
Maybe.... im feeling an intense arousal and passion where even the simplest touch of my finger drawn lightly across the bare rusty roof skin in this early morning hour causes me to awaken and be filled with a heightened awareness.
Im in a heightened state.....Thats exultation of spirit.
Engines gonna set pretty high in the frame so we need to make some motor mounts, two pieces of scrap tubeing with a slight bend, smaller pieces dropped inside, nut inside of that.......
From inside looking out the front.....
On first sight it feels like ur in an old plane taxiing through an airport, slowly making its way along the side of the big world.
Reminds me of the lil oval windows in a plane, looking at the fields and dirt roads.
I sat there feeling it