What is our World thinking....

Rat Rods Rule

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Active member
May 26, 2008
Ripley, Ohio
Lady's and Gentleman I'd like to inform you that our government has been producing the biggest scam ever to suck more ****ing money from us. Please don't fall for this. You see our planet knows global warming. It has suffered global warming several times before, along with ice age. There is no way to prevent it. That would be like keeping it from raining. Sorry folks it's going to ****en happen and you can't stop it. It's called recycling. This is how mother nature recycles to reproduce. If you try to prolong any of this all you will do is destroy our planet and kill yourselves and children. Is this really what we want?

If you want to protect your planet there is a way. There is a way to reduce carbon build up and it's not by purchasing carbon credits. It's not by hydrocars. None of this will do it. In words of Penn and Teller, " It's ********!!!!" So if you want to protect your planet, then try this. Get off the internet and recycle this large piece of plastic that could be used for something useful. Sell your car and buy yourself a horse or two. Get rid of all your appliances. Shut off your electricity and phones. Recycle everything you can. Stop using paper towels and diapers on those babies; pick up a handy towel that can be washed. Clean up your local creeks, rivers, and lakes. Adopt a pet!!! Use candles. Most importantly stop bitch about what everyone is doing to hurt the world cause you take a little more of it's life each time you, turn on a light, start a car, run a facet more than needed, use pesticides cause your too lazy to pick the bugs off, throw away food instead of using a compost heep, throw away anything that could be reused or recycled, or even flush a toilet.

If you want to be completely Planet Awareness and Go Green then there's only one way to go.

Go Green; Go Amish!!!!!!!!!

If you agree with this repost as "What is our World thinking.......Go Amish!!!!" Not just here but other sites as well. This is an awareness that we can try what we want to "save" our planet, but can't truely save it unless we sacrafice all that we "cherish as though we could Not live without."

Thank you all from your friends at Korrosive Graffix..... If you back us post your name below .

1. Daniel Hamm
Go Green; Go Amish!!!!!!!!!

Let's see... chop the top, lower it down, 'nother horse or two, different wheels... maybe!?!? NAAW!!!!!!!



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I say let it warm up, "its cold up here in Canada, nothing but Igloos and dog sleds"
All this BS about carbon foot print is a waste of time. I do agree that we should make every attempt not pollute the enviroment, but for years they told us that the hole in the Ozone was going to kill us, and now not the slightest peep regarding the hole. Global warming is a fact, so is gloabal cooling. We are constantly being forced to believe in things that we as people have no idea about but we follow along because everyone else is. Wake up people and use your own minds for once. We are the only ones that can try and control our fate/destinies. Stop being sucked into every little scam, lie, and bullsh*t that the media, government and so called scientist tells us.

Pretty soon you will begging for a microchip under your skin because of Identity theft. Its hard to clap when they cut off your arm to steal your money.

sorry rant over
have a "nice day"
Going green is all well and good and most of your points are good ones; however I think you need to do a little more research before you go off on how it's happening and what to do about it.

First, global warming is only being pushed by government payed scientics and the people who stand to make a crap load of money off it.

Fact: world wide over 30,000 scientists have signed on to a patition that states that global warming is a scam, and it not man made.

Fact: it is primarily a function of the suns heating and cooling (activity) that affects our climate.

Fact: Carbon (co2) is a life gas, just as improtant as oxygen and water are. All plant life breaths it. Would you have the trees suffocate?

Fact: Ice cores show co2 levels in the past at least 4 times higher than todays levels, and this correlates with more animal and plant life during these times.

Fact: The planet is actually in a cooling trend at this time.

There are real pollution problems out there that desperately need to be delt with, but the corperate government doesn't want you to know that.
Methan from cattle is more of a problem than co2.
Getting a horse is not the anwer either.

Fact: It takes two acers of land to feed a horse for one year.

Fact: Most families have at least 2 cars. Do the math. We don't have enough land to feed that many horses and ourselves. Then concider the dung. There where streets in the larger cities at the turn of the last century that had 2 to 3 feet of dung on them. That's a waaaaaaaaaay bigger pollution problem than some co2.

Fact: There is technology that can scrub co2 form the air, but it's not used or truely neccesary.

The point here is don't trust what the government is pushing on you. Don't trust what the dissinfo artists are feeding you. Do your own research. Find the truth, then play show and tell with everyone you know.

I could go on but I think most have already stopped reading this rant. :D
Famous quote

I can clear all this up with a quote from a very famous person.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
-Chicken Little-

I'm sure that most of us here are old enough to remember in the '70s when Carl Sagan & all the other scientists agreed that any day we were sure to plunge into the next Ice Age. I even read a 1972 Newsweek article on the subject where they were thinking of covering the polar ice cap with soot inorder to melt it faster.

Same argument, just add heat & "strir the pot" alittle.

I could go on forever though, but i'd just get ****ed so I'll quit while I'm still in a good mood.:rolleyes:
Yes glogal warming is a naturally occuring event.
Yes I agree, dont polute.
I heard 9,000 and growing, of the 30,000 PHD's dont beleve in global warming.
Al Gore....... :eek: never mind.

I am starting a fund. You can donate and you will get a supply of bumper stickers. Please consider contributing artwork.

They will read-

Warming the globe
one mile at a time.

design details

Yes glogal warming is a naturally occuring event.
Yes I agree, dont polute.
I heard 9,000 and growing, of the 30,000 PHD's dont beleve in global warming.
Al Gore....... :eek: never mind.

I am starting a fund. You can donate and you will get a supply of bumper stickers. Please consider contributing artwork.

They will read-

Warming the globe
one mile at a time.


we already have a t-shirt design saying "Want green, Go Amish" we're selling them for $15 each.
Lady's and Gentleman I'd like to inform you that our government has been producing the biggest scam ever to suck more ****ing money from us. Please don't fall for this. You see our planet knows global warming. It has suffered global warming several times before, along with ice age. There is no way to prevent it. That would be like keeping it from raining. Sorry folks it's going to ****en happen and you can't stop it. It's called recycling. This is how mother nature recycles to reproduce. If you try to prolong any of this all you will do is destroy our planet and kill yourselves and children. Is this really what we want?

If you want to protect your planet there is a way. There is a way to reduce carbon build up and it's not by purchasing carbon credits. It's not by hydrocars. None of this will do it. In words of Penn and Teller, " It's ********!!!!" So if you want to protect your planet, then try this. Get off the internet and recycle this large piece of plastic that could be used for something useful. Sell your car and buy yourself a horse or two. Get rid of all your appliances. Shut off your electricity and phones. Recycle everything you can. Stop using paper towels and diapers on those babies; pick up a handy towel that can be washed. Clean up your local creeks, rivers, and lakes. Adopt a pet!!! Use candles. Most importantly stop bitch about what everyone is doing to hurt the world cause you take a little more of it's life each time you, turn on a light, start a car, run a facet more than needed, use pesticides cause your too lazy to pick the bugs off, throw away food instead of using a compost heep, throw away anything that could be reused or recycled, or even flush a toilet.

If you want to be completely Planet Awareness and Go Green then there's only one way to go.

Go Green; Go Amish!!!!!!!!!

If you agree with this repost as "What is our World thinking.......Go Amish!!!!" Not just here but other sites as well. This is an awareness that we can try what we want to "save" our planet, but can't truely save it unless we sacrafice all that we "cherish as though we could Not live without."

Thank you all from your friends at Korrosive Graffix..... If you back us post your name below .

1. Daniel Hamm

Go green,go amish ??????

And so with our fingers in our ears and our eyes closed the world became peaceful and quiet.


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