You have to be careful with some of the ones you dilute with water. I had a brand new parts washer from Northern Tool and bought their brand cleaner that you dilute. In a few days it ate the paint off of the parts washer. I took it back and they gave me a brand new one, but this time I put mineral spirits in it, no problems whatsoever.
I hear paint supply stores like Sherwin Williams sell it in 5 gallon containers cheaper than anyone else, but haven't confirmed that.
Is it a concentrate if so do you dilute it ?I don't use a parts washer any more except for the tub for smaller parts. I use Dawn Power Dissolver. I can only get it at walmart around here. It eats everything off. Be careful because your fingers will split and crack if you get it on them.
One try and you'll be hooked
Is it a concentrate if so do you dilute it ?
Do you soak the parts and use a brush ?
Like anything else ? rinse thoroughly
Thanks I'll try that next time [clIt's a spray bottle. Just spray it on, let it soak a bit then rinse off with water.
some one else...
Mineral spirits works great. That is what we use in our parts washer. You can buy it in 5 gallon cans at places like Lowes, Home Depot, etc
I just dumped 10 gals of Purple Power into my cheap HF parts washer. It seems to cut grease really well. Only time will tell if it eats all the paint off or destroys the pump!