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Something's wrong with that boy!
Aug 29, 2011
In the shop, GJ CO
Got a call today, guy asked if I would chop a shoe box and how much. Told him I would have to research the amount of work involved because I have not done one. Did some google research and now I'm at a crossroad. Part of me says leave it alone you have been lucky thus far and this is not the car to screw up. the other part says, well you haven't screwed up yet.
$5 grand is the going rate, any cheaper and you will be kicking yourself in the butt when you get half way into the job.........to do it right is a lot of work.


When you get to this stage you will be wondering if it will ever come together: :eek:

But after a little stretching and pie cutting it will start to look like it will fit:

One good thing is that there are so many build threads on various forums where people have done one that you should be able to pick the best way to go about it.

You can do it, have confidence in yourself. Price it kinda high so you don't get discouraged half way through.
Thank you all for the vote of confidence. After chewing on it over the weekend I think I'm going to have to decline it, to far of a leap for me right now.

Bob I think you're onto something, I do have a clapped out 52 chevy 2 door fastback. I may have to dive into and see what happen first, before I tackle someone elses car.